Oct 23, 2007

The Mariuca Super Star Award!

My very best buddy Christy from Christy's Coffee Break nominated me for the Mariuca's Superstar award! I love it, love it, love it Christy!

When I read the award title I thought of a Saturday Night Live character who says I love it, love it, love it, as she kicks her legs in the air! She's kidding, well actually overacting to be funny, but I wasn't when I danced around my living room with my groovy new award, reciting I love it, love it, love it!

Evidently, Mariuca's readers missed her enough to leave comments when she was away, so she created this award to thank them. As I read Mariuca post, I realized how considerate and kind bloggers can be, or I should say friends can be. Good bloggers use the opportunity to write in a positive way, a way that makes a real difference in the lives of others every day.

I think those are the bloggers Mariuca is referring to as Superstars! Thank you Christy for thinking of me as one of those bloggers, and thank you Mariuca for creating this award. Mariuca seems like a special person, and I know Christy's friendship is a virtue. I'm happy to be on the planet with these two woman.

Mariuca SUPERSTAR Award

I think the following blogs have the characteristics so often associated with what Mariuca, Christy and I think of as a Super Star.

First Time Dad

Twisted Sister
Eat Your Maths

NoDirectOn(Not: NoDirection)
Jay's World
Monday Morning Power
The Rising Blogger
Nonsense,Fun,Tears,Happiness,And Anger All Rolled Into One
Kissing The Dogwood


mr fong said...

Omggggg....I know the comment in the previous post covers 'Awards', but you just deserve one more! I'm greedy to give you more, lol!

I think you deserve it. This suits you as a Superstar, apart from being so friendly on my site. I am thankful to you, you're always so giving! :D

Thank you and I love your awards (and kindness)!!!

Sandee said...

Thank you Ann. This is a wonderful award. I've already posted it on my site. Thank you, thank you, thank you, and a big hug. :)

Max Coutinho said...

Hello Ann :)!

I came though Mel's spread list (he had already recommended you before, however I always had troubles accessing your blog, but I am finally here).

Congratulations for the award; I am sure it's well deserved :)!


aniceplaceinthesun.blogspot.com said...

Winston, The world has something to look forward to from you. Thank you for such a sweet compliment, and for the congrats. Congrats to you! You are the one nominated here! LOL!

Have a great day~


aniceplaceinthesun.blogspot.com said...

Sandee, Triple hug back! I'm so glad to have had you in my corner. You're a terrific friend. I'm so glad you like it. ;)))

Have a great rest of the week!


P.S. I can't wait to read your post. Man, you're fast!

aniceplaceinthesun.blogspot.com said...

Max, It's so nice to finally met you! I'm sorry you had so much trouble finding me. I need to eventually go to a .com. I wonder if that's what the problem was. I can't wait to check out your site. Thanks for the comment, and for stopping by~


DubLiMan said...

First, thanks for yet another award. One day I will get around to passing them out myself. Just too busy right now.
Second, it feels good to bring good people together.....you and Max. I know you will like her.

aniceplaceinthesun.blogspot.com said...

Mel, Yes you ought to feel good. Thanks for the compliment on A Nice Place In The Sun. It was awfully nice of you and I appreciate it.

Don;t work too hard. And congrats. Smile


Berni said...

Congratulations on receiving this award and I appreciate your listing me as a super star also.Thanks so much. I love being appreciated for my blogging.

aniceplaceinthesun.blogspot.com said...

You're welcome Vic Grace. And thank you. It is a good feeling isn't it?

Have a good evening!


The Lover said...

Hi ann,

i just give you an award at www.limadang.com, which i recieved from vic grace the cariboo ponderer

hope you can pass the awards around. thanks


Adrian said...

Ann! Thank you for this wonderful award! :):):) It's so nice that you thought of me when passing this out and I sincerely do appreciate it. You have made my blogging journey a pleasure and on top of that you give me some of the nicest awards too! Woo hoo!

You can view it on my little awards plaque...just click on it to get the big picture! :) Or scrool to the bottom of the page! :):)

aniceplaceinthesun.blogspot.com said...

Your welcome, Adrian. I hope you have a great day!


aniceplaceinthesun.blogspot.com said...

Paullove, I'm having trouble finding your link. I appreciate the award, and I'm glad you stopped to read A Nice Place In The Sun. I would love to pay you a visit, so please, if you return to these comments, let me know how I can find you?

Thank a million,


Jos said...

Thank you, Ann..
I am sorry it took so long before I showed up to pick up the award -- but you confused me a bit (you left a comment mentioning that you nominated for the other award, and there I didn't find my name - so I went back and forth a few times. But hey, I found it , lol!
Thanks ;)

aniceplaceinthesun.blogspot.com said...

Jos, I'm glad you found it. I just wanted to say you do a super job of blogging. :)


Marja said...

Thanks a lot. See my name on the list again. It's like christmas.
Congratiolations with all your well deserved awards. I put this one in my christmas goody bag if that is allright with you. Lots of hugs

Christy said...

Holy Toledo that's a lot of award giving, thanks for giving one to Totally Fabulous, I appreciate it:)

Hope you're having a good day Ann!

aniceplaceinthesun.blogspot.com said...

Christy, I know Batman, I got a little carried away. I just keep adding people I think a lot of, and by the time I realized it was so many, I felt guilty about removing anyone. And you're most welcome for Totally Fabulous. It's special to me. It reminds me of the award. I hope you're having a good day too!


Speedcat Hollydale said...


You know, every now and again, I run across a new blogging friend that "stands out" with there fun and open personality. You sure fit this catagory. I can't tell you how impressed that I am with your site. The "Read More" add is cool... was it hard to install?
Anyway, I wanted to stop by, as the last 4 days have been really busy. Thanks for this award, and thanks for just being you.

Happy Weekend, and we'll see you soon. Your friend in Minnesota, Eric "Speedcat Hollydale"

aniceplaceinthesun.blogspot.com said...

Eric, Ditto! Is everyone in Minnesota as nice as you? I really enjoy reading your blog too! Oh, I already said "ditto", didn't I? Smile.

Have a nice weekend. And congrats!


aniceplaceinthesun.blogspot.com said...

Eric, I forgot to tell you that my friend Sandee installed the peek-a-boo hack for me. Isn't it neat? Let me know if you want the link on how to do it. I thought it seemed extremely difficult, but then, I'm a techno dumb, dumb. Do you know Sandee? I have her link on my page. Great site, great blogger. Anyway, I realized I didn't answer that part of your question. Let me know if you would like the link to the hack, o.k.?

Bye again,


Angels On Earth

Lost inside a state of mental and physical exhaustion, I prayed to meet an angel on earth, then, I felt the pillow of a horses mouth gently sweep grass from the palm of my hand. – Ann Clemmons

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You will lose yourself in the imaginative dreams of eleven year old Theodore Wilson's. Don't miss this review coming soon.

More reviews and available for purchase on Amazon .com. Just click on image of book and the link will take you there.

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Motherhood is an art impossible to explain, one which requires a vast sea of love, devotion, compassion, and understanding, unmatched by any affection we will ever know again.- Ann Clemmons






Words are the core of our souls, without written, vocal or lyrical expression we lose sight of one another or worse, ourselves. Words bring forth the essence of the human spirit; so express yourself without abandon.

Ann Clemmons

Favorite Phrase

I remember I used to half believe and wholly play with fairies when I was a child. What heaven can be more real than to retain the spirit-world of childhood, tempered and balanced by knowledge and common-sense...

Beatrix Potter’s Journal, 17 November 1896, from the National Trust collection.

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The Storyteller, by Dawn Drover

Alone in her world
of make believe
weaving her stories
of magic and light

She brings joy
to the eyes
of innocent minds
less jaded and free

For only they know
what's in her heart
holding the secrets
she guards so well

Life's hidden mysteries
belong to those
whose wisdom and truth
shine on in imagination

Written for Ann
~Dawn Drover~

Of The Horoscope Junkie

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Most of the worlds' great things were born of adversity and hardship; because these roadblocks encourage us to dream, imagine and believe.- Ann Clemmons

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In my younger and more vulnerable years my father gave me some advice that I’ve been turning over in my mind ever since.

Whenever you feel like criticizing any one,” he told me, “just remember that all the people in this world haven’t had the advantages that you’ve had.”'

F. Scott Fitzgerald. (Lines from The Great Gatsby)
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"A book must be the ax for the frozen sea inside us."

Franz Kafka

An author values a compliment even when it comes from a source of doubtful competency.

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