Hello, welcome to Tuesday's Question! This week's question is:
Have you ever helped someone in need, or shown compassion toward another,
but, kept it to yourself? In other words, only you and the person or people
you helped know what you did?
I was surprised and ashamed of myself because I had trouble answering this
question. Although, I'm trying to ask questions that make us think. So,
I guess I did a good job on this one, it's weird, because all of my questions
are original.
Although I'm sure it's been asked before, I do not look up "Tuesday's
Question," But, lately, I've had trouble answering my question. Hmm.....
Okay, I'll answer first;
When my son was about nine years old, he brought a little boy who lived close
to us home with him and asked me if he could stay for dinner, Then, he
told me that the child was locked out of his house until his mother came home from work.
It was about three in the afternoon and the Child's mother didn't get off of
work until 9::00 O'clock at night. So, of course, I let him stay and eat
dinner, made him do his homework, etc...for a few weeks before I confronted
his mother.
I don't know if this is an adequate answer to my question because I think
anyone with an ounce of decency would have done the same thing. You may
wonder why I didn't confront his mother sooner, I would wonder, if I was
reading this, but anyone who would lock their child out of the house for hours
had to have some serious issues, so I was afraid the child would get the
blowback if she knew he had been staying at my house.
It's a long story, but I never told anyone what I was doing. It's funny
because I know I am kind, and I've always taken up for the underdog, but
someone was always around, except giving money to people in need, I couldn't
think of a time when I helped someone and kept it to myself.
I taught my son when he was small that an example of good character is when
you show kindness to people without any witnesses but you and whoever you
I thought of this question because a friend of mine called me out of the blue,
and told me that my son sent her son 1,000 dollars t to"Go Fund Me," on
Facebook. Her son was born deaf, and with other difficulties
communicating, and he had found love, but his love lived in another country,
so he needed the money to bring her to the United States.
My son never told me or anyone what he did ...I told him that my friend called
and told me, and he said,
"Mom, everyone needs love."
How do you beat that?
I couldn't believe that the words I told my son long ago stuck with him. I
couldn't believe he did that and never told a soul. How do you beat that?
Maybe, you can...
It's your turn:
Have you ever helped someone in need, or shown compassion toward another,
and kept it to yourself? In other words, only you and the person or people
you helped know what you did?
Thanks for visiting, A Nice Place In The Sun, and have a wonderful day!