


Welcome to my "Awww...Mondays post- 

Every week, Sandee from https://comedy-plus.com/awww-mondays// publishes this fun meme.  

Below are Sandee's instructions, visit https://comedy-plus.com/awww-mondays/ to get the linky code.  

" Join us every Monday for Awww…Mondays.

Post a picture that makes you say Awww…and that’s it.

One thing for sure is this is a fun and easy meme to do. So come and join us in Awww Mondays.

What better way to start off the week than with a smile.

If you have trouble with the Linky code let me know." 

I know this is a video, but I had to post it. Happy Monday to anyone out there who remembers ANPITS, but, Sandee, who I met through blogging, ten years ago; we've never met in person, yet, I consider her one of my best friends; which is really cool when you think about it. 

Oh, "What song is in your head today? I have a sidebar that will tell you what I have been humming all day.  

Thank you for visiting A Nice Place In The Sun

Dog Dancing - Rock Around The Clock by Bill Haley & His Comets


Goodbye Housework!


Goodbye, Housework!
Are you tired of coming home to a sink full of dishes? If you are, I have great news for you. I watched a commercial about a deterrent that completely washes your dishes in the dishwasher.
Meaning, no more scrubbing or cleaning your plate, you can load your dirty dishes, and this deterrent, does the rest.
Technology sure has come a long way, "Artificial Intelligence," will finish your children's homework and whatever time-consuming paperwork you bring home from work, whether you're a nurse doctor, or Indian Chief, just hand it over to A. I. and the evening is yours.
I have a vacuum cleaner named "Harry," who dusts furniture, and cleans floors, ceiling fans, windows, etc.
Although, Harry talks too much, and for some reason, you cannot turn his volume down.
Plus, he constantly opens the refrigerator, and asks,
“Do you wish me to clean this strange appliance?”
Harry wasn't programmed for refrigerators, in addition to a few other things, like respect for people's privacy.
For example, I couldn't get out of the shower one day, because he was standing next to my bathtub.
Then, when I asked him to leave he replied,
“How do I wash this machine?,” implying that I was an appliance, while he flopped his huge hose arms, repeating the words,
"I don't understand the question, I don't understand the question..."
I couldn't move him, so I had to grab a towel and crawl on the floor to get out of the bathroom.
Then, I turned him off and left him by the shower.
I wasn’t sure what to do next because no one tells you, there is a number to call, but the voice on the phone doesn't know how to help you.
I spent about an hour on the phone with the customer service office, trying several tasks, until I decided to leave him off until morning. After all, I still had to dry off, cook dinner, feed the dog,, and I forgot about my dirty clothes,
I have got to find a machine that washes, dries, and folds clothes.
Man,, research, research, research it never ends.
Anyway, you should try the washing detergents advertised on Television. Harry may be in the bathroom all night, but at least I will have clean dishes for dinner..
Photo from Shutterstock.com


Tuesday's Question???

Hello, welcome to Tuesday's Question! This week's question is:

Have you ever helped someone in need, or shown compassion toward another, but, kept it to yourself? In other words, only you and the person or people you helped know what you did? 

I was surprised and ashamed of myself because I had trouble answering this question. Although, I'm trying to ask questions that make us think.  So, I guess I did a good job on this one, it's weird, because all of my questions are original. 

Although I'm sure it's been asked before, I do not look up "Tuesday's Question," But, lately, I've had trouble answering my question. Hmm.....

Okay, I'll answer first;

When my son was about nine years old, he brought a little boy who lived close to us home with him and asked me if he could stay for dinner,  Then, he told me that the child was locked out of his house until his mother came home from work.  

It was about three in the afternoon and the Child's mother didn't get off of work until 9::00 O'clock at night.  So, of course, I let him stay and eat dinner, made him do his homework, etc...for a few weeks before I confronted his mother.  

I don't know if this is an adequate answer to my question because I think anyone with an ounce of decency would have done the same thing.  You may wonder why I didn't confront his mother sooner, I would wonder, if I was reading this, but anyone who would lock their child out of the house for hours had to have some serious issues, so I was afraid the child would get the blowback if she knew he had been staying at my house. 

It's a long story, but I never told anyone what I was doing. It's funny because I know I am kind, and I've always taken up for the underdog, but someone was always around, except giving money to people in need, I couldn't think of a time when I helped someone and kept it to myself. 

I taught my son when he was small that an example of good character is when you show kindness to people without any witnesses but you and whoever you helped. 

I thought of this question because a friend of mine called me out of the blue, and told me that my son sent her son 1,000 dollars t to"Go Fund Me," on Facebook.  Her son was born deaf, and with other difficulties communicating, and he had found love, but his love lived in another country, so he needed the money to bring her to the United States. 

My son never told me or anyone what he did ...I told him that my friend called and told me, and he said, 

"Mom, everyone needs love." 

How do you beat that? 

I couldn't believe that the words I told my son long ago stuck with him. I couldn't believe he did that and never told a soul. How do you beat that? Maybe, you can...

It's your turn: 

Have you ever helped someone in need, or shown compassion toward another, and kept it to yourself? In other words, only you and the person or people you helped know what you did? 

Thanks for visiting, A Nice Place In The Sun, and have a wonderful day!     


Awww Monday's


Good Morning, and welcome to "Awww Mondays," from Comedy Plus

Below are Sandee from Comedy Plus instructions on how to join:

"Post a picture that makes you say Awww…and that’s it.

Leave a link to your post and I’ll visit your Awww…Mondays post.

What better way to start the week than with a smile."

Angels On Earth

Lost inside a state of mental and physical exhaustion, I prayed to meet an angel on earth, then, I felt the pillow of a horses mouth gently sweep grass from the palm of my hand. – Ann Clemmons

The Boogeyman From Planet-Lackawanna-

You will lose yourself in the imaginative dreams of eleven year old Theodore Wilson's. Don't miss this review coming soon.

More reviews and available for purchase on Amazon .com. Just click on image of book and the link will take you there.

Thank you!

Motherhood- Courage

Motherhood is an art impossible to explain, one which requires a vast sea of love, devotion, compassion, and understanding, unmatched by any affection we will ever know again.- Ann Clemmons






Words are the core of our souls, without written, vocal or lyrical expression we lose sight of one another or worse, ourselves. Words bring forth the essence of the human spirit; so express yourself without abandon.

Ann Clemmons

Favorite Phrase

I remember I used to half believe and wholly play with fairies when I was a child. What heaven can be more real than to retain the spirit-world of childhood, tempered and balanced by knowledge and common-sense...

Beatrix Potter’s Journal, 17 November 1896, from the National Trust collection.

Jacket Flap-

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The Storyteller, by Dawn Drover

Alone in her world
of make believe
weaving her stories
of magic and light

She brings joy
to the eyes
of innocent minds
less jaded and free

For only they know
what's in her heart
holding the secrets
she guards so well

Life's hidden mysteries
belong to those
whose wisdom and truth
shine on in imagination

Written for Ann
~Dawn Drover~

Of The Horoscope Junkie

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Catch your dreams

Catch your dreams


Most of the worlds' great things were born of adversity and hardship; because these roadblocks encourage us to dream, imagine and believe.- Ann Clemmons

Favorite quotes-

In my younger and more vulnerable years my father gave me some advice that I’ve been turning over in my mind ever since.

Whenever you feel like criticizing any one,” he told me, “just remember that all the people in this world haven’t had the advantages that you’ve had.”'

F. Scott Fitzgerald. (Lines from The Great Gatsby)
"A Southerner Talks Music"

Mark Twain

"A book must be the ax for the frozen sea inside us."

Franz Kafka

An author values a compliment even when it comes from a source of doubtful competency.

- Mark Twain in Eruption

"I like a good story well told. That is the reason I am sometimes forced to tell them myself"

Mark Twain

Animal Rescue Site

The Animal Rescue Site
