I thought,The Little Aussie Cynic deserved its own post title, because this blog is one of the happiest places to visit on the internet. Aussie is one of my first blogging buddies in the blogosphere. I met her on blog catalog when I hardly knew anyone, and knew less about what I was doing than I do now. Can you imagine that? It was a scary experience, and the blogs author, Aussie, was so kind, reaching out to me then, as she is reaching out to me and others now, in a rare and personable manner, a manner that could put a wild boar at ease. She is responsible for a lot of my early happy memories writing A Nice Place In The Sun.
Plus, have you seen Aussie's blogs new template? The ocean colored background is warm and inviting, very much in keeping with the atmosphere the author has consistently portrayed since I first read her blog.
I hope I didn't embarrass you Aussie, I just wanted to publicly thank you for thinking of me, and I was blown away by a nomination for creativity.
Here's Aussie's post:
"After looking, reading and watching many many Blogs and bloggers I decided to issue some recognition to those fellow bloggers I feel maintain integrity in the Blogs.
All these bloggers incorporate within their wonderful sites, an integrity not always seen.
They share terrific stories, topics, discussions and images. All Well worth a look.
So in the spirit of Wonderful blogs
I would like to award the Bloggers with Integrity Award
For Creativity
For The Spirit of Giving
For Staying True To Their Beliefs
For Social Conscience
Keeping it Real
So congratulations to all and keep up the fabulous work you do…. We love it!"
And Aussie we love you! In honor of Aussie's really inspiring and heartfelt gesture, I would like to award the following blogs in keeping with her format. I really liked the thought and effort Aussie put into each category, so I wanted to honor her by doing the same thing.
So without further rambling, and much hand wringing here are my choices... That is after this brief update, on Oct.30...
I would like to add that after this post was written this award made a real impact on the blogging community. It is hopping around like a cat trying to keep its balance on a slippery rooftop! After nominating Sandee from Comedy Plus in the "Spirit Of Giving" category", Aussie turned around and awarded Sandee for the same category on her blog that I nominated Aussie for in the Social Conscience category entitled, Coillision of the Willing. Now, tell me that's not some hopping around nominations. It's just like I predicted, the award is so personable blogs you know with these qualities instantly pop in your head after you read the the category. Congrats Aussie on the success of Bloggers With Integrity. And thank you Sandee from Comedy Plus for also awarding me in the category, "For The Spirit of Giving." Anyway, here is the list of my recipients...
I would like to pass on Aussie's Integrity Award to the following Bloggers...
For Creativity
Writer's Reviews
Twisted Sister
Whee All The Way Home
Jay's World
For The Spirit Of Giving
Comedy Plus
Santa's Community Blog
For Staying True To Their Beliefs
Eat Your Maths
For Social Conscience
First Time Dad
Santas Certified Blogs
Coillision Of The Willing
For Keeping it Real
Polliwog's Pond
Speedcat Hollydale Page
Ho! Ho! Ho! Ann
You really are a wonderful friend and I can't thank you enough for what you have done for me ☺
wow awesome thanks!
Wow, thank you and what a great post Ann. Excellent all the way around. You really do write so very well. I'll get a post up shortly. Big hug. :)
Santa, What I've done for you? Bless you, for what you do for everyone everyday. You are a wonderful friend too. Thanks and congrats~ :))
Jay, I'm glad you like it. I really enjoy your everyday antics. You're hilarious. Thanks for the laughs.
Sandee, I wanted to list you for every category. I honestly feel you fit within every one of them. You know, there is a quote somewhere that I actually cannot quote, LOL, but it says something like, "people forget many things about what you say or do, but they never forget how you make them feel?" that reminds me of you. And I won't forget.
Big hug!
I love you Ann! I'm honored to be in the real category with our funny friend speedcat.
Thanks Ann, what a wonderful thing to say. I've posted my award and I hope you like it. Big hug back. :)
Ann, this is just too much! You are so naughty, always giving me awards to curry favor! LOL :)
Just kidding, you know how awards are a man's best friend, lol!
Thank you so much, i forgot to use the feature of 'Read more' (still not used to it, haha!), so I did not see my name until you told me. Do see my comment, left you one for the intelligence one, lol...
Thanks, I shall not add this award to the current post, for it is too special! It deserves a new post :D I hope you saw the awards I gave you that time in Awards Day, lol!
I think you should have won the 'Comedian' award, as such as seen from how u make me laugh and smile. OK youre the candied apple, you're both!
Winston, I love the idea for a comedian award! What a compliment. I did see where you gave me the candied apple award, I'm just behind on posts. I hope you saw my comment. You have probably seen the award posted on my title page because I'm blessed enough to have been nominated by Christy too. Lol. I didn't just take the award and post it and not recognize you. Smile, oh I hope you didn't think that. I'm so afraid of forgetting to post about or recognize anyone due to scattered brain issues. I loved your award post, and the fact that you thought of me. I think you are so funny, and the dedication you give your students impresses me so. Can you tell? You deserve to be recognized over and over again.
Have a great day, trooper~
You are a celebrity so many awards
for you and all well earned. I got the honour again. I am sincerely sorry but put it in my goody bag. Thank Ann
Hi Ann
Wow that was some thanks.... I hardly know what to say.... but you do deserve it...
Until I read you post I was having a bad sad day but you have cheered me up no end... Thanks you so...
Your choice of blogs to pass the awards on too is terrific..
Hi Ann Check out the Coillision of the willing..?
Aussie, I hate to think someone as sweet as you is having a sad day. I'm glad I could do something to make it better. You made my day better the other day too. Although, I do know what you mean about those sad days. However, have you ever had a bad day where you wake up the next in disbelieve that the one before could have been so rotten? I hope that happens to you tomorrow. Keep your chin up!
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