Hello, and welcome newcomers and regular readers to Tuesdays Question.
For those of you who aren't familiar with Tuesday's Question, it's a weekly post I started a few months ago, in an effort to connect with you, my readers, and spread a little link love. Also, I hope by posting your comments the following day it will work like a blog review. This way, while everyone is learning about your blog, we're also learning about the author behind your blogs title, which is you. That's right, I post the comments to my Tuesday's Question post the following day with a link back to the responding blogs.
Plus, I want to remind and encourage all of you to comment on each others comments as well, you know, as if we're engaged in conversation. But most of all I want you to be sure and have fun!
Although, I didn't use it for the main title, today's question asks how you would respond to three questions from a magical Wizard, which are...
If you had your choice of a super or magical power, what would it be?
What living celebrity would you like to take out on the town to celebrate your new super hero status? Or just take out on the town ?
And what super hero already created are you most alike?
My answers after the
I would like to have the power pop in and out of places, like Betwitched, and take Cheri Oteri or Will Farrow out on the town. As far as a super hero I am most alike, I think... I'm probably more like Spiderman. Except, for some reason, I've related to Robin from Batman and Robin, lately...but, I'm not sure why?
Thanks for playing and have a fantastically fun day!
Wonder Woman's lasso of truth. I would love that. Can't lie to me!
Well, let me see. This is going to be a big shock, but it's Tom Selleck that I would like to take out on the town. Oh yeah!
Storm from X-Men because I like being the leader. Okay, she's hot too and that's a plus.
Wonder Woman has a lasso of truth? That reminds me of the award you gave me that I need to pass on. I love it too, and haven't forgotten. I wonder if her truthful magic, is why my son used to call me Wonder Woman. I can still tell when he's lying. Yep, Tom would be fun too. I love Tom Sellecks voice, and the way he walks. LOL. Although, he needn't use either. Laugh.
And yes, hot is always power!
Great choices Sandee, as usual.
Thanks for playing, and I'll be passing along Wonder Woman in a few days. I really do like that award. It's a fun one.
Have a great day, Sandee.
Fun questions Ann! I enjoyed your answers. I'd love to know more about why you chose Will Ferrel and Cheri OTeri. I LOVED those two on SNL.
My answers.
Superpower: I would like the ability to make anything happen by blinking like Jeannie in I Dream Of Jeannie. I loved that show when I was little!
Celebrity to take on the town: I'd like to go out with my women bloggy buddies like you, Christy and Mimi.
Superhero I am most like: I guess I'd have to pick Wonder Woman because she was based on the legends of the Amazon Women, and at nearly 6 feet tall, I probably look like an Amazon Woman. LOL
I could answer this question many ways, but I'll stick to two. Because I am a college student I wish I had a photogenic memory. Because I am a mother to teens and a wife I wish I could have the invisibility power. Muahahahaha.
Polli, How sweet of you to pick me, Christy, and Mimi. Come to think of it, we are the real celebrities aren't we? LOL
I feel the same way, that the four of us would have a good time. It really would be fun. I picked Oteri and Will because they're funny. You know, I just realized that Betwitched and Jeanie did the same pop in out and out thing, they just did it in different ways. Wouldn't that be neat? I want to be the kind of grandmother Endora was on Betwitched too. What an eccentric. And I've got to learn more about Wonder Woman. I need to look her up on You tube. It's ridiculous that I don't know more about her. I really need to get a grip. Lol.
You're a great sport Polli, thanks,
Jamice, Great picks. I thought about the invisible power for a motherhood tool as well. But then, I would be horrified to think what I might see.
Oh, and I remember college well enough to understand your desire for a photogenic memory, LOL. I wish you did too! Hang in there, it will end. Thanks for playing!
I'm going to have to go for being able to stop and start time, including going back in time. I'll be taking Bruce Springsteen with me wherever I go. In fact, I'll spend my time back in time going to his concerts. I guess I'm most like Samantha Stevens, then, as she could go back and forth in time. (I'm recalling the colonial times, for example, when she was locked up.) Great questions, Ann.
Hi Ann Oh what a funnie question. I always liked to have a magic wand. To change lot of things with a single touch. For example tidy my home with one tick. So a wizard would be good. I don't want celebreties to go out with. Don't know which ones are to be fun with in real life any way. You count as a celebrity so there you go.
Patois, You'll be taking out Springsteen, huh? (Laugh) I love how you worded that. I never thought about "back in time" magic. What a good magical power idea. And, I should have said Samantha, instead of Bewitched! Bewitched is the name of the show, duh. I've got to stop writing when I'm tired. Great replies Patois! Have a great night~
Marja, Yes, you're probably right about celebrities, most are probably not much fun. Except, maybe comedians. Thanks for saying you would like to go out somewhere with me, I feel the same way. I wish we could think of some kind of fund raiser to put together to make that happen. But with all of the other more important fund raisers in the world, it seems a bit trite to work at putting it together. I have an idea though, whoever has their ship come in first, can finance a trip for all of us to meet at a specific location one day.
Won't that be great? Thanks for being such fun!
I want to be Power Rangers. When i was 4, I saw the green Power Ranger being 'a naughty ranger', and took a stick to smack the TV, right smack at where the Ranger was!
So embarrassing right, anyway, after that I got my retribution becoz I tried to open a can of Sprite to spray at the TV (well, my parents were out, so...), and instead shook it with such fury that it exploded over me when I opened it! Ouch :(
Ann!!! Hope u got my comment... It's highly embarrassing, I dunno why, maybe it did not get through. Hmm..
Mine was Power Rangers. Full of justice, Mr Fong watched it and worshipped it when he was young, and used a stick to hit the TV, right smack where the bad Power Ranger stood. Ouch.
My parents were out, so...
I did more. I tried to spray Sprite on it (what a waste of money, LOL...), but shook it so vigorously out of anger that it exploded over myself before I could spray it on the Naughty, Horrible and Terrible Power Ranger!!!
Winston, That is hilarious! Was the television broken? Oh, that is so funny. It reminds me of my son. He wanted to be everyone, but he loved really loved the Power Rangers too. I'll be sure and get this post up. This is too funny to waste!
Thanks Winston!
Ann, thanks :) Nope, I was only 4. wahaha...i think it was more likely that I would break from the exertion than the TV ;p
Ann, I read ur comment on the previous post, do come by bcoz the I gave u more than the Candied apple, becoz u deserve more! It is dedicated to you, do come by and take it, Smile ~
Hope u would leave ur valuable comments on the latest post, really want ur insights (i know it's not ur field of interest, but... ;p) if you have time to spare!
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