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Oct 21, 2007
What Famous Leader Are You?
The top images are my test results for the following questions What famous leader are you?
and What Classic Movie Are You?
Because inquiring minds want to know ... I just finished reading a meme by Adrian at First Time Dad that included a question from a personality test site. The question reminded me of the kind of questions I ask on my weekly post Tuesday's Question. Except, these test questions tell you how your personality best matches your answers, as opposed to an answer you think best describes you.
Can a personality test answer questions about our personality better than we can answer them ourselves? Maybe so, and maybe not, but some of the results are pretty accurate and most the sites pretty popular.
I posted a brain function test yesterday, entitled Are you right or left brained? That one, was right on the money for me and most of you that answered. And irregardless of the opposing or supportive literature, theories and sites, the bottom line is we love taking tests. Besides, we know if we're answering the questions honestly, and if the test results are most like us. after all we know us better than anybody, right?
On the other hand, maybe not, since I would've never guessed the top results for me.
Even so, I'm still not sure I want to know the accuracy, it may spoil the fun. (Take the risk out of it.)
When I was a teenager, my friends and I used to answer questions in cosmopolitan and other popular magazines. Which goes to show, the publics interest in personality tests aren't anything new, or a thing of the past.
I think we want to understand the ways we're similar and find common ground on which to relate. Because we're social creatures, social acceptance and community are the basis of who we are and how we understand each other. The connections we make due to our similarities, in turn, influence how appreciative and tolerate we are of our differences.
Bottom line: we want to take the tests because they're fun, and we want to know and care about each other. Maybe, that's why this site is called Similarminds, because we are more alike than we realize. Celebrating our differences, while making a connection through our similarities is what I hope all of us get from Tuesday's Question. It does seem like I know everyone who regularly participates better each week. And that's because when we answer questions about our memories, experiences, and opinions, we open a window to our character.
I think this is the reason these tests do well with pinpointing the characteristics we share with famous people, because they examine the way in the questions are answered.
So go find out some things about yourself, first by stopping byFirst Time Dad and reading his meme. Then to take these tests, and let me know how you did. Plus, don't forget to play Tuesdays Question, because you never know what I'm going to come up with next, the competition's getting stiff.
Oh, and for the record I'm not sure that the "power and options" comment is the way I'd like to think I'm most like JFK. What about the other obvious characteristics we share? Lol, whatever.
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Angels On Earth
Lost inside a state of mental and physical exhaustion, I prayed to meet an angel on earth, then, I felt the pillow of a horses mouth gently sweep grass from the palm of my hand.
– Ann Clemmons
The Boogeyman From Planet-Lackawanna-
You will lose yourself in the imaginative dreams of eleven year old Theodore Wilson's. Don't miss this review coming soon.
More reviews and available for purchase on Amazon .com. Just click on image of book and the link will take you there.
Thank you!
Motherhood- Courage
Motherhood is an art impossible to explain, one which requires a vast sea of love, devotion, compassion, and understanding, unmatched by any affection we will ever know again.- Ann Clemmons

Words are the core of our souls, without written, vocal or lyrical expression we lose sight of one another or worse, ourselves. Words bring forth the essence of the human spirit; so express yourself without abandon.
Ann Clemmons
Favorite Phrase
I remember I used to half believe and wholly play with fairies when I was a child. What heaven can be more real than to retain the spirit-world of childhood, tempered and balanced by knowledge and common-sense...
Beatrix Potter’s Journal, 17 November 1896, from the National Trust collection.
The Storyteller, by Dawn Drover
Alone in her world
of make believe
weaving her stories
of magic and light
She brings joy
to the eyes
of innocent minds
less jaded and free
For only they know
what's in her heart
holding the secrets
she guards so well
Life's hidden mysteries
belong to those
whose wisdom and truth
shine on in imagination
Written for Ann
~Dawn Drover~
Of The Horoscope Junkie
Alone in her world
of make believe
weaving her stories
of magic and light
She brings joy
to the eyes
of innocent minds
less jaded and free
For only they know
what's in her heart
holding the secrets
she guards so well
Life's hidden mysteries
belong to those
whose wisdom and truth
shine on in imagination
Written for Ann
~Dawn Drover~
Of The Horoscope Junkie
Let"s talk!

Catch your dreams


Most of the worlds' great things were born of adversity and hardship; because these roadblocks encourage us to dream, imagine and believe.- Ann Clemmons
Favorite quotes-
In my younger and more vulnerable years my father gave me some advice that I’ve been turning over in my mind ever since.
Whenever you feel like criticizing any one,” he told me, “just remember that all the people in this world haven’t had the advantages that you’ve had.”'
F. Scott Fitzgerald. (Lines from The Great Gatsby)
"A Southerner Talks Music"
Mark Twain
"A book must be the ax for the frozen sea inside us."
Franz Kafka
An author values a compliment even when it comes from a source of doubtful competency.
- Mark Twain in Eruption
"I like a good story well told. That is the reason I am sometimes forced to tell them myself"
Mark Twain
Whenever you feel like criticizing any one,” he told me, “just remember that all the people in this world haven’t had the advantages that you’ve had.”'
F. Scott Fitzgerald. (Lines from The Great Gatsby)
"A Southerner Talks Music"
Mark Twain
"A book must be the ax for the frozen sea inside us."
Franz Kafka
An author values a compliment even when it comes from a source of doubtful competency.
- Mark Twain in Eruption
"I like a good story well told. That is the reason I am sometimes forced to tell them myself"
Mark Twain
I am Einstein and Apocalypse Now. Hmmm, those seem somewhat related...
Interesting isn't it? Thanks for the visit Dan~ :) Are they similar? I've never seen Apocalypse Now. Can you believe that? I need to put it down on my movie list.
I am not really a leader. Although when I work in the children's home I think I am a very good leader, but not with adults.
By the way I saw your new picture of you and is it your son? Very pretty, both of you.
Marja, Well, it sounds like you're the best kind of leader. These tests are just plain silliness aren't they?
Yes, that is my son and I on his eleventh birthday. We are very close, and thanks you for the compliment. I just fixed it the other one was so blurry. It's a lot clearer isn't it? Thanks for noticing Marja. Have a great week!
You are so right.. people love taking tests and I am one of them!
As a leader I am Ghandi and my classic movie is Schindler's List!
I'm happy with my results :))
Those are great results! I was Schindler's List the second time I took it. After posting this I went back and took a longer version of the movie test. LOL! I was Schindler's list on that one, and I was also JFK again. I hate what they put for JFK it's not very flattering. LOL!
Have a great day, Dawn.
Hi Ann,
I'm just coming by to say hi! I can't read your post, lol, I've spent three hours researching Perceptual Dyslexia for Quinn, and the tests have completely screwed up my eyes, ROFL. I'm pretty much blind right now. I hope I'm o.k. by tomorrow, when I'll come back and actually "read" you're posts.
I just wanted to make sure you're getting my emails and everything is alright. :)
My Leader: Kim Jong Il - "You are a self-important sleazebag with absolutely no relevance outside your own tiny sphere of influence".
My Movie: Caligula - "Everyone who knows you basically thinks you're totally f*cked up."
Just so you know, you did not take the real Myers-Briggs Type Indicator. You took a knock off version that is neither validated by theory, statistics, or research. The only place to go for the real MBTI is to get a version from the exclusive publisher of the assessment (CPP, Inc.). They have an online version with a full report and feedback session. The site is
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