This is Taylor, my son, when he still went trick or treating with me. He is lucky Luke in the bottom picture, and obviously Superman in the top one. That's me in my witches costume in the tip top picture. Taylor is now 21 and refuses to go Trick or Treating with me anymore. So now my Halloween's are more about tricks, than candy and stuff. That is if you don't count the times I really wanted to go, and went on my own. I actually did get lots of candy those times, because no one knew that my son wasn't at home in bed with a bad cold.
Happy Trick or Treating!
What a handsome lad you birthed, especially given what you say you look like! I find it hard to believe that your green skin wasn't passed onto him.
Happy Halloween Ann,
Thank you for the ecard! A lot of people weren't handing out candy last night, I couldn't believe it. No candy or decorations...I wonder why.
We spookified the house including blasting the monster mash song! The kids had a blast. I hope people aren't giving up on the Halloween tradition, it's too much fun.
Talk to you soon:) BatFreak
Oh..and your son is adorable!!
I love the Lucky Luke photo!
I've given you an award, and I think it's an extra special award. Come to my blog to pick it up!
Ann your son is the most adorable kid and the costume is great!
Patois, Thank you for the comment about Taylor, my son. I was afraid he would get my green skin. I frequently asked the doctors about that. We really got lucky. Smile. I hope you had a happy Halloween, and that you're having a great day. By the way, I got an e-mail of your reply about helping you select some Jump one, Jump two Tuesday comparisons. What about The King of the Hill and The Simpson's? Just a thought. Smile
Christy, Happy Halloween to you too Batman, and you're welcome for the e-card. I'm sorry you didn't get much candy. Maybe, you should have tried my trick? LOL. I love the monster mash song! Did you play the game on the card? (LOL) I wish I could have seen your spookified house. Thanks for stopping by, pal.
Hugs, Ann, I mean BatFreak, I mean Robin...
Christy, Thank you for the comment about Taylor. He's great fun!
Love, Ann
Misty, Thank you for the Lucky Luke comment. My son so loved Lucky Luke. And I love him, and I love the award you gave me! Thank you~ :))
By the way, Misty, I'm also a Snapdragon flower. I put it on my page, with a link to My Dog's Keep Me Sane. It is a fun test.
Dawn, I love your picture. You're a pretty lady. You look so much like Susan Dey to me. Remember that Tuesday's Question? Anyway, thank you for saying my boy is adorable. We had such fun on Halloween. Actually, we still do when we can. I hope you had a nice Halloween and that everything is good in your world. :)
Thanks for stopping by~
What a cute and handsome kid. His costume looks great. Yours too but you are a bit of a short witch.
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