My first comment from Winston, Eat Your Maths
Haha, I was 14 when I jumped down from a rock cave for abseiling (of course, I was attached to a rope!!!!!!) Needless to say my scream caused some hearing casualties.
Have been missing you at Eatyourmaths for a while... ;p
Mel at Monday Morning Power
My good Friend Sandee at Comedy Plus
Well, I didn't get out much living on a farm, but I did sneak out often. I would guess the craziest thing my girlfriend and I did is steal her mothers car and went joy-riding. Well, sure enough we ran into a cop. We were parked outside a small store and of course I was driving. Well, the cop drives by slowly and looks at the both of us and instead of going the opposite direction I pulled onto the road behind him. He didn't pay any attention to us after that. Scared us half to death it did. :)
Well Ann.... it involved a car... a boy... a big hill... a little alcohol... and a lot of stupidity. That's all I'm saying! LOL
New friend Misty Dawn at My Dog Keeps Me Sane
I just discovered your blog. I've already subscribed to it, because I think I'm gonna like it here!
My new and old friend Patois at Whee! All The Way HomeCraziest? Way too many qualify. I'll tell of one. Driving down back roads, speeding, with a bunch of teens in the car, no one drunk -- how rare that was -- and turning off the lights. Pitch black, hurtling through space, screaming. Oh, yeah, gives me spine chills fearing my offspring will attempt something as crazy/stupid/moronic.
Which is unfortunately, because I might have shared crazy. ;-)
My new friend Janice at Twist And Skewer
Writing an underground Newspaper against the vice-principal's principles. Or rather lack there of. I used school paper and mimeograph machine to print it on. Man was VP peeved and no one narced. I know my journalism teacher knew who wrote them. It was fun plus I was 17 and thought I was fighting for justice in our high school community. Hehe.
And last but certainly not least the hilarious Bob at Bobbarama.com
Me and five friends got busted by a cop while we were skinny dipping in the local public swimming pool at 2 in the morning.
He put that big cop car searchlight on us ... felt like we had suddenly become part of some HOllywood premiere, except, of course that we were naked and wet and scared ... and told us we didn't need to bother grabbing our clothes because we were going to jail dressed the way we were, meaning with nothing on.
We panicked, grabbed our clothes, jumped the fence and started running down the neighborhood street, flinging water from our bodies everywhere as we went.
We were laughing probably because the whole thing was suddenly so absurd, the cop car was squealing around the corner and he was yelling at us with that bullhorn in his car, dogs were barking, lights were going on in the houses on the street ... BUT in the end (no pun intended) we leaped fences and got away.
Woo hoo!
Crazy man, and wild and crazy folks thanks again and I hope to see you next week.
Don't forget to click on each others links and each your veggies!
Last, last, but certainly not least, least my dear friend Christy, at ChristysCoffeeBreak
Fun as always around here Ann!
At the time it didn't seem crazy but we used to go down the the beach and start bonfires using the broken down fence. Sometimes we'd go skinny dipping.
Of course being the practical teenager I was I'd tie my underwear to my ankles so I wouldn't have to get in or out of the water naked, lol.
One day we realized we had no more fence left to burn. We were a crazy group. Where the heck were our parents?
Thanks Christy!
What is your email address? I have something that I would like to discuss with you.
Mine is: info@mondaymorningpower.com