Behind the words of these writers are the voices of children speaking to a parent. I have a passage in my sidebar, “Children govern the heart of a parent regardless of years,” well it seems you can turn that passage around,“Parents govern the heart of a child regardless of years” and still do it justice.
Yesterday, I received valuable insight from these writers, which is that our parents do not leave when they die. They are forever tapping us on the shoulder comforting, lecturing, and tenderly reminding us they care.
My first comment was from Sandee at Comedy Plus, and it is so beautiful that my eyes literary filled with tears as I read it:
Okay, I play along.
My mother’s best quality was her warmth. There were no strangers for her. She would talk to anyone and with all the warmth, they were talking right back. She just never met a stranger. Her worst quality, her sadness from time to time. It was her dark side. I miss her very much.
Father best quality was his ambition. Nothing would/could stop him. I thought he was larger than life most of my life. He was a great provider because of this ambition. His worst quality...His temper. He had a bad one too. I miss him too.
July 31, 2007 10:21 A
And Jos at NoDirectOn(not:NoDirection) who writes the most mesmerizing passage:
Okay, I play along, too.
This time, that's easy. For my mother, just copy what you wrote about your mom. This is NOT a lame excuse, it's true!
My fathers' best quality was his never-ending desire to learn about new things, combined with a terrific memory. He really 'wanted to know', anything would interest him. All for just one reason: he liked to share it with anyone he met.
His worst quality: for an extremely nice and outgoing personality he was ever so 'closed': he would or could never express his feelings.
I always tell my own kids that when parents die, they are not 'gone', they continue to live on in their childrens' hearts. They do.
July 31, 2007 1:58 PM
And last but certainly not least Mr. Fong at EatYouMaths
Hello here i am,finally.Love the blog.
My mum: Her ability to see the motives behind every act.She can see how an innocuous act is actually one with intention behind it-----but it makes her cynical.
My dad is his warmth! NO dark sides :)
Love the concept of ur blog.Hope u can go Eatyourmaths to give comments and suggestions on how to improve! I want to learn from You!
Thanks and Best wishes1
August 1, 2007 2:17 A
Thank you all for being such great sports and taking part in A Nice Place In The Sun's Tuesday question!
Woah,thanks for posting me :)
i am so proud of you and your blog- such actions usually draw poor responses as no one bothers to reply usually, but ur blog can attract people who try to answer it sincerely.
I am SO proud of that, this is really a nice place in the sun.
Mr. Fong, You amaze me! You are so proud of that. That is so incredibly kind, as you are. I'm so impressed with your dedication to your students. Teachers are remarkable people and I'm truly honored that you have visited and like A Nice Place In The Sun. I love the concept of your blog too! You are promoting math as I promote reading, here's to you partner!
Ha, you DO have come up with a nicer commenting system afterall. The tables have turned indeed:
No I just enter a comment ONCE and it is on your blog TWICE... LOL!!
Thanks for putting me up there again, 'slugger'. Jos:)
Your welcome Jos! Thank you! By the way I like your new logo!
if white men can sing the blues, why can't a blue man sing the whites?
no, it's actually that picture form blogthings that understood me as a 'rare personality'. LOL
LOL! I guess he can! I like it, I really like blogthings!
That was a good idea!
Well, thanks for posting them. Very nicely done too. Looks like a lot of folks are doing this type of thing on Tuesdays. Have a great day. :)
Thank you for taking part in it Sandee! It wouldn't have been the same without your contribution. :)
You have a nice day too!
Oh darn it, I'm one day late, what an amazing idea for a post Ann! :)
Thank you Christy! Do you think so? I was worried (and still am)that I wouldn't recieve any comments! I'm glad you're checking on me! There's no telling what mistakes I'm making! Talk to you soon!
Hi Ann,there is no need to worry.Just send out a message on tuesdays and u will get a answer from me,haha! Love the blog.Very proud of the fact that Slugger has visited my blog too :)
Ditto! Crazy kid! :))
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