Welcome to A Nice Place In The Sun's third edition of Tuesdays Question! Every Tuesday I ask a question of my readers, friends, and fellow bloggers hoping for an answer in comments, and so far every Tuesday I've had one. Last weeks three winners were,Bob with Bobbarama.comEllen with The Non-Profit Communication Blog and Sandee with Comedy Plus.
Congratulations again bloggers and I hope you'll also answer this weeks question.
Which is, What is your favorite dialogue from a book or movie?
Here's mine, from the movie As Good As It Gets (1997)
"Sell crazy someplace else, we're all stocked up here."
If you're wondering why you should take part in this silliness, its because I review the blogs with the best answers, and I only pick three! The blog review includes a link back to your site in addition to your answer posted with Wednesday's post. I'll work real hard on your blogs review so be sure and choose your answers carefully! Thanks for reading and have fun! I hope you'll humor me with a response. :))
Hi Ann,
I love this one too! Wow, I really admire you for coming up with these great questions each time.
My first reaction on my favorite dialogue would definitely be the one from When Harry met Sally.. But hey, let's not enter that one.. Would ruin my 'reputation' for ever ;-))...
I'll do some thinking today (which is kinda hard, since it's my last day at work before holidays, so stress levels are going through the roof...). But I'll definitely try to to enter a good one!
Hope you have a good day, and very good entries!!
LOL!:)) You're too funny! I can't wait to see what you come up with! You have a good day too, and try not to stress out! :)
P.S. I'm thrilled that you like the question. :))
- "Your God person puts an apple tree in the middle of a garden and says, do what you like, guys, oh, but don't eat the apple. Surprise surprise, they eat it and he leaps out from behind a bush shouting "Gotcha". It wouldn't have made any difference if they hadn't eaten it."
- "Why not?"
- "Because if you're dealing with somebody who has the sort of mentality which likes leaving hats on the pavement with bricks under them you know perfectly well theĆ½ won't give up. They'll get you in the end."
- "What are you talking about?"
- "Never mind, eat the fruit."
(Douglas Adams, The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy)
But Sebastian was completely serious. "You have to leave Lima," he said. "If you take my advice, you will go south to Ayacucho. I have many friends in the city who will look after you. Perhaps the police won't look for you there."
"I still want to go to Ica."
"You are stubborn and you are stupid- but you care about your friend and that, I suppose, does you credit." Sebastian spat. "very well. You can stop in Ica if you think it will do any good. The first bus leaves tomorrow morning at six o'clock. It is almost certain that the police will be watching the bus station and we will have to think about that."
Matt nodded. Suddenly he felt awkward. from the moment he had met Sebastian, he had sensed a sort of hostility between them- without knowing why it was there. "Can I ask you something?" he said.
"You obviously don't like me very much. So why are you helping me?"
"You're wrong. It's not true that I don't like you very much. I don't like you at all. The police are crawling through the shanty towns thanks to you. They are making arrests, asking questions making things difficult."
"So why don't you just hand me over? It's obviously what you want to do."
"It is exactly what I want to do. But it was Pedro who dissuaded me. He tells me that he's seen you in his dreams."
Haha I wait with bated breath for your Tuesday questions..Hope next week's one wouldnt be so literary centred as I am a maths boy :P
Please do go over to read my new post and I hope for your valuable comments :)
Winston, great job, but I do need to know where it is from? LOL! You can pick from a movie too I did, ha ha
I hope you come back and let me know where your dialogue came from. Plus, can I shorten it if I need too?
I'm thrilled you look forward to Tuesdays question. I do too! I will try and come up with one that you math wiz's will find stimulating, o.k.?
Thanks for playing Winston!
P.S. I'm looking forward to reading your post! I'll be by there today! :))
Thank you Jos! :))
Okay.. Now I definitely know I'm not writer material.. I never remember dialogues from books!
But still, I have done some searching, and to stay inline with your blog, I came up with one of mine and my children's favorite books: Fantasia II from Geronimo Stilton.
- She smiled at me: 'Welcome Geronimo'
- 'Sweet Majesty, though the difficulties the Fantasia Club has encountered were infinite, here it is: the Heart of Happiness!'
- She accepted the Heart: 'Thank you Geronimo'. Then turned around and said: 'Return it to the crystal cave!'.
I squeaked: 'What? Do you want to return the Heart to the cave? After all it took us to find it?'
- Florina smiled sweetly:'I knew where it was hidden, I was just afraid there was nobody left to search for it.
I was hoping you would. That you would take this long, exhausting trip to find out that Happiness doesn't mean that all your wishes are fulfilled. Happiness is not what you own, it's who you are! That's a small BIG secret, that can change your life.. and the world!'
okay Ann.. sorry.. I seem to be starting an annoying habit of not being able to choose.. probably cauused by the long due holiday ;-))..
Another dialogue, from the Joy Luck Club (Amy Tan).
And then, one evening, after I had begged her to buy me a transistor radio, after she refused to buy me one and I had sulked for an hour, she said, "Why do you think you are missing out on something you never had?" And then she told me a completely different ending to the story.
"An army officer told me to run away from Kweilin. [..] So I packed my things and my two babies into this weelbarrow and began pushing to Chungking, until my wheel broke. By then I didn't have enough feeling left in my body to cry. [..]
I tied scarves into slings and put a baby on each side of my shoulder. I carried a bag in each hand until deep groves grew in my hand. And I finally dropped one bag after the other when my hands began to bleed and became too slippery to hold anything. [..]By the time I arrived in Chungking I had lost everything except for three fancy silk dresses which I wore one on top of the other."
- "What do you mean by 'everything'? I gasped at the end. "What happened to the babies?"
- She didn't even pause to think. She simply said in a way that made it clear there was no more to the story: "Your father is not my first husband. You are not those babies..."
Clark Gable (Rhett) in Gone With the Wind:
I want you to faint. This is what you were meant for. None of the fools you've ever know have kissed you like this, have they? Your Charles, or your Frank, or your stupid Ashley!
I have to put in his other one too:
Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn.
I love it Sandee! Thank you! :))
LOL! Thank you Ellen! I'm happy to get your contributions, and I 'm thrilled your enjoying my Tuesdays question!
Thank you for your support!
Ok, I'll play :) This is fun. My favorite movie quote has to depend on my mood of the day - today's is sarcastic LOL!
"Are you with me or do you need me to draw it in crayon like usual?" from the movie ConAir
Awesome idea - can't wait to see what everyone turns in :) Thanks!
Whimsy gal, lol! I love your selection and I'm so glad you're playing! I also love to see what everyone turns in! :))
Great fun Ann!
Some of my favorite dialogs from books and movies.
From The Cable Guy (1996)
Steven: Can I get a knife or fork?
Wench: There were no utensils in medieval times, hence there are no utensils AT Medieval Times. Would you like a refill on that Pepsi?
Steven: There were no utensils but there was Pepsi?
Wench: Dude, I got a lot of tables.
From Bridges of Madison County
Robert Kincaid: This kind of certainty comes but once in a lifetime.
Polli, Great choices! I loved Bridges of Madison County, and until you left that line I had forgotton how much! Thank you for participating! :)
Wow thanks for the breathtaking comment.You are a fantastic writer.
Btw, it comes from Anthony Horowitz "Evil Star", I love the book for the dialogue and the wit.
You can shorten it, but if you want to hope you can keep the humourous essence of it :) But not to worry, I fear not as you are a fantastic literary mistress! LOL take care,and THANK YOU FOR THE AWARD.
I love interacting with u on this blog.You are a fantastic blogger and your support is second to none.
Winston, Your welcome for the award! I know it is a little flowery, but you are so kind to your students, I automatically thought of you.
Ann :)
iI really loved your post! :)
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