At the end of every summer, I think of the children who will began their first year of school that year, and remember what a hard job it can be.
If you have a child starting school this year, try to relate by sharing your first day of school. Since we all like to know that someone knows how we feel, especially our parents. This is what I remember...
I wondered why Mrs. Day, my first grade teacher, turned her head from side to side when she walked. I remember her head tossing, her name, and the fact that she told her first grade students we could so anything, even write books when we grew up.
Before the first day of school, my mother brought me on a school visit to meet her and tour the school. Mrs. Day let me pick out my desk and put my name on the front so everyone would know my name. The three of us were the only people in the classroom that day, so my mother and I had my new teachers undivided attention. While my mother spoke to Mrs. Day, I sat at my desk and put my favorite book, a few of my brothers pencils, and a plastic Piglet toy from a cracker jack box in the inside. I will never forget Piglet. I brought him everywhere. The little plastic pig knew all of my secrets, and I tried to talk to him without Mrs. Day or my mother seeing me talk to a toy, though I think they did anyway since they keep looking over in my direction and whispering in grown-up, secret voices. As their conversation rolled along, I decided to leave the little toy inside for safe keeping, and make sure Mrs. Day remembered I picked that particular desk. The desk did wear my name, but it was the best one and someone else may pick it before the next day. It was a shiny tan color and a shade lighter than the other desks. Mrs. Day was attentive and kind, and asked me what my favorite books were, and if I had a dog, etc. She seemed focused on making me happy, and I began to get excited about my first day of school.
The following morning, I moaned while my mother combed the tangles out of my hair and my brothers made faces. The younger of which was complaining of having to watch me on the bus and walk me to my classroom. Every time my brother said, “I don’t want to walk her to class, mom, she’s bad!” my mother would brush MY hair harder! When I said “Mom, ouch!” she brushed it harder still. So by the time I got on the bus I had a sore head in addition to my brother’s comforting sneers. When I got off the bus my brother ran as fast as he could in the opposite direction of me and my classroom. He disappeared, the bell rang, and I was alone. I looked at the ugly red leotards on my legs, put my hand to my sore head, and cried.
Finally the principal found me wailing in the hallway and I joined the other wailers in my first grade classroom. I’m not kidding; when my teacher opened the door, I heard nothing but the sound of wails. It was like a "wailing for attention" contest! It was a real drama, although I could not be bothered, all I wanted was my desk, my books, and Piglet. Mrs. Day said, "Look class, here's Ann. Hello Ann."
But they were still wailing, and she led me to another desk in the corner of the room! It was a big desk with a big, ugly, dark brown top and no Piglet inside! Where were my books ? Where was Piglet? My eyes stung from the sudden impact of tears, until I could not last any longer...
Suddenly the whole classroom was one big wail for all!
(This is the reason my son’s teachers never had to explain what the Kleenex on the materials list is used for!)
Incidentally, I spent my first day of school (and many weeks after) convincing my new friends that I was not a cry baby. I also spent this time trying to find Piglet. I wanted my desk and books back, and even though the pencils belonged to my brothers, I wanted them back too. I do remember getting the desk I wanted but Piglet wasn’t found until the end of the year, when he miraculously showed up in the lost and found!
Well, maybe he made another child happy in the meantime. Do you remember your first day of school?
You've been tagged with the middle name meme. You don't have to do it if you don't want to. :)
Thank you Sandee I'll be right over to get my instructions! Maybe, I'll be able to write this one! LOL!
P.S. You're a great friend!
Ann again..
What a fantastic memory you have Ann - unless you're still a teenager...:)
Great account of a landmark occasion and very vividly told.
Lovely that you felt so welcome and settled.
I'm still a teenager! Thank you for reading and especially for leaving a comment!
Ann :))
Great post Ann, it sounds like you had a horrible first day! All I remember is screaming and kicking as my mother held my legs and my teacher held my arms, and they carried me into the kindergarten classroom. I never liked school too much. I remember wearing red tights back then too, with my Winnie The Pooh dress! LoL.
Hello Ann, I felt so sorry for you wanting your piglet and he was kept from you the whole year. Hopefully the teacher didn't keep it away from you, in case she had seen you talking to piglet. It is a possibility or an unfair coincidence.
I really remember my first day of school. Embarassing and unforgettable.
I think Piglet probably went to live with another family for awhile. LOL!
Thanks for reading, and for the comment Theresa! Also, thanks for catching what I obviously should have caught myself! :))
Christy , You poor thing! That sounds awful! It doesn't seem like anyone has a great first day of school. Actually my mother deserves some credit for bringing me to visit the day before. It really helped although you can't tell by this post! Not all of our childhood experiences are wonderful though, are they?
I'm so happy you commented! You always say the nicest things. There is nothing like the reassuring comments from a good friend! :))
Christy, I forgot to tell you that Winnie the pooh tights sound cool! Your Mom deserves the credit for that!
Ann :)) LOL!
I am ashamed to say but the wailing formed a thick cloud over my memory...I can't remember a thing...
You too? Thank you for reading Jolly Jo!
Ann :))
Hi Ann, again, what a beautiful story! I must admit, I really can't remember my first day of school.. I'm getting too old probably ;-))
Thanks for adding me to your blogroll!!
OooOh i would like to answer although I have no kid yet (you know why,Ann :D)
I remember ours was distinctly spectacular. I just remembered myself crying,my Mummy wiping my tears and I turned around; another boy was suffering the same fate! LOL :)
Everyone was crying.At least I wasn't given the hugging treatment- where they carried you to class. My childhood memories of school are good and bad tho,haha...
When ppl are kids they want to grow up,and when they grow up they regret growing up. That's just life, we have to accept and I am learning to accept too. That is more important than what you learn in a institution that spoonfeeds and protects you until you are old enough,heh.
For the record,I am still in the aforementioned institutions :) Ann are you seriuosly a teenager?? Oops!!!Wow!
Thanks for this piece of writing that becomes my common source of nostalgia.
Ellen, Your welcome for adding you! Thank you for adding me! :)
You are not too old, in fact you are probably younger than me!
It seems that everyones memory is different. For instance I can vividly remember many things about my childhood(and my son's LOL!)but the details of last week would prove to be more difficult. :))
Thanks again for your kind comments!
Winston, You made my eyes water I was laughing so hard! Finally someone besides Christy and I who can remember the terror of first grade! LOL! Like I said in the beginning you like to know when someone can relate!
Winston what are ppls?
No, I'm not a teenager. Do I look like a teenager? lol! My picture is on the front of my blog at the bottom of the page! I'm the big one! HaHa
Write back and tell me what ppls are, o.k.? And are you in an institution?
Thank you for stopping by and leaving such kind comments!
Haha,thanks for the Fave.Btw ppl is people.I'm just lazy,heh...
Oooh yeh,I am in an institution as I am 16! So i'm in school,haha...
Take care dear Ann.
I agree with you,I remember alot of my childhood memories but forget recent things! LOL, I heard that when you rmb alot of childhood memories you are very clever.
Let's hope forgetting the recent makes us stupid,haha...
Winston, One can only hope! LOL!
That was such a nice thing to say about memory! I appreciate Winston! :))
All I can remember from the grammar school years is being made fun of becuase I had red hair.
I would beg my mom not to send me to school because there would be some kid or kids who though it would be fun to torment me all year long.
I remember my son's first day of school too. He was fine with it. Me, well, that is another story..I wore my big girl panties until he was in the classroom. I drove back home to grab my lunch before going to work and ended up sitting and crying for over an hour.
I did that with mine too! And he was fine with it! I felt sorry for the parents whose children were crying that has got to feel awful!
Thanks for the comment. It's always nice to know when you've stopped by,
Have a great day!
Oh, my! What a day! You have a wonderful writing style. I enjoyed the read. :-)
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