I have been looking for ways to connect with my readers in comments, so I decided to post a question each Tuesday for you to answer It is an idea I heard on ABC's “The View” about conversational ideas for parties. They suggested writing a question for your guests at the beginning of your party, then have them answer the question with your other guests. Isn’t that a great idea? In addition, something I never thought of before when hosting my social gatherings. However, the next social gathering I plan I will be sure to inform my staff! Until then, since I probably won't have a social gathering anytime soon, I've decided to ask the people I spend the most time with each day, you my readers and friends.
Every Tuesday, I said that didn't I? Well, every Tuesday I will ask you my readers a question to answer in comments. Then, I will post the best answers the next day in a post, and link it back to the blog or web site with the best answers! For my readers who don't have blogs I will post your answers as well and right a post on why I think it is the best answer.
Sound good? Any questions just ask me in the comments to this post!
The first question and this Tuesday's question is:
What do you think is your parent’s best and worst quality?
I’ll start:
My mother: best and worst quality: Her ability to see many sides of things. I have inherited this wondrous gene and where it is a good one, it makes it seem as if you're making excuses for people when they ask your advice for example, "He might not have meant "that" he probably meant "this" when posed a question about a boyfriend or friend. At the same time if you’re confused about something, it can be helpful since it gives you the ability to weigh all your options. Actually, I guess it does come from having great empathy for people! So I guess I am glad I am her child after all.
Thanks Mom!
I feel the same way about my father, I mean he shares a best and worst quality too! He has an ability to keep the shortest telephone conversation of anyone I know.
Sometimes this is good if I'm busy and I just want to know how he is doing, but on the other hand I sometimes would like to have a long conversation. In other words when I talk about poetry and stuff he always wants to keep the conversation short, and I 'm really not sure why, but he does. It is o.k. though, I love you, Dad!
Your turn…
Okay, I play along.
My mothers best quality was her warmth. There were no strangers for her. She would talk to anyone and with all the warmth, they were talking right back. She just never met a stranger. Her worst quality, her sadness from time to time. It was her dark side. I miss her very much.
Father best quality was his ambition. Nothing would/could stop him. I thought he was larger than life most of my life. He was a great provider because of this ambition. His worst quality...His temper. He had a bad one too. I miss him too.
Fantastic Reply! You can tell their best qualities from how you turned out! Thank you Sandee! You did good!
P.S. They would be very proud of you!
Okay, I play along, too.
This time, that's easy. For my mother, just copy what you wrote about your mom. This is NOT a lame excuse, it's true!
My fathers' best quality was his never-ending desire to learn about new things, combined with a terrific memory. He really 'wanted to know', anything would interest him. All for just one reason: he liked to share it with anyone he met.
His worst quality: for an extremely nice and outgoing personality he was ever so 'closed': he would or could never express his feelings.
I always tell my own kids that when parents die, they are not 'gone', they continue to live on in their childrens' hearts. They do.
That was beautifully written Jos! Wow! Both you and Sandee! I'm glad I said I would post two of the best! This could get hard! I never completely think things out! I thought doing this would be like having a little social get together every week, but it could get difficult! Hmmm
Your Mom does that too? I really can't say anything because I do as well. I wrote the stupidest example earlier since it's so hard to explain. I'm glad I rewrote it! (Sorry Sandee!) I hope she comes back to read the new one.
Anyway it is a hard quality to articulate, isn't it?
What you wrote about your Dad is beautiful Jos.
I hope Sandee reads it. I did not know whether to title it "were" or "are"
your parents best/worse qualities, however you answered it nicely for me. Thanks as usual. :))
Where I said "just copy copy what you wrote", that did, btw, include the bit about having inherited it, too.. So I understand. It's not such a hard quality to articulate: it's just that some people will appreciate it and others just can't stand you for it, isn't that so? Anyway, that is what I find. For myself, sometimes I think it gives me a headstart and sometimes I think it's a nuissance to be like that ;)
Ann, why not consider rephrasing this 'the best two' to 'the best', so that it can be any number?
Good idea Jos! You know you are really a good friend!
PS. And I don't remember hitting the anesthesiologist! I woke up and had a band aid on my face with every one smiling at me in the recovery room. Oh, I guess I'm going to have to write about and explain myself!
My son has never let me live this down. You would think I would have known better than to use the name on the computer. Especially since I'm a children's writer! Although who ever said we were perfect!
Hello here i am,finally.Love the blog.
My mum: Her ability to see the motives behind every act.She can see how an innocuous act is actually one with intention behind it-----but it makes her cynical.
My dad is his warmth! NO dark sides :)
Love the concept of ur blog.Hope u can go Eatyourmaths to give comments and suggestions on how to improve! I want to learn from You!
Thanks and Best wishes1
I think its good way to communicate with the blog readers.
In this way you will be able to realize your mistake and then you can make better changes.
Simply the best idea, keep it up.
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