Thank you Writers Reviews for the inspirational blogger award! Writers Reviews is home to the Writers Reviews Blogger Awards.
Written by Christy Zutautas, Writers Reviews is a professional writers web site that gives reviews on movies, products, and web sites! Christy gives information on blogging, interviews with other bloggers, advice on ways to make money online, and of course awards! Like this One!
It's easy to see why I'm honored, so much so, I had trouble making up my mind who to nominate! The Writers Reviews award in Christy's words, is "an award series that would give unique, caring, brave, and positive bloggers the recognition they deserve."
Stop by Writers Reviews for more information on the Writers Reviews awards, where you can see each award in the series.
The inspirational blogger award is "For those bloggers who inspire others through their words and actions. With a positive attitude, and an uplifting spirit these bloggers make the blogosphere a better place, and encourage others to do the same. This award is for bloggers who rise up to set an example but continue to reach out and support others
It was hard to narrow my list to only five bloggers to nominate for this award. Especially, since I'm a new blogger who has had support from many different types of bloggers, for example I'm visited by comedy blogs, writers sites, technology sites, woman blogs, momma blogs, daddy blogs, and the list goes on, making it difficult to decide. When I started blogging I was going to post about reading and writing period. Since I'm pacing the publishing house floor most of the time, and enjoy networking with other writers. However, its hard to do when you want to write for parents, since parents aren't interested in reading about writing as much as they are about books and reading. Hence, the creation of a A Nice Place In The Sun, where I spend most of my time confused. If it wasn't for the support of all of my blog friends, encouraging on my posts this boat would not float! I'm spoiled, and look for my blog friends comments after each post. Thanks to all of you A Nice Place In The Sun is a fun place to work! Here are the blogs I nominated with an example of their kind and valued comments on some of my posts!
My First nomination is to Jos from NoDirectOn(not:NoDirection)
Here is his comment:
Jos said...
Hi Ann, this is truly a wonderful piece! I'd wish all teachers, and those who consider becoming one, would read this. There's such a big need for good teachers in today's world, and so many children that are never brought in touch with heir true talent... Good job! Very inspirational!
July 13, 2007 1:33 PM
Blog Author Ann Clemmons said...
Jos, Thank you, so much for leaving a comment! I've hardly had any readers the last few days, and it's scary! I always worry about posts until I receive a comment! I really did need an optimistic tap on the shoulder!
I'm so glad Christy introduced me to your blog! Not only do you write well, you're a great blog buddy! :)
Second Nomination is for Ronni with Designing Fairy,
July 18, 2007 8:30 AM
DesigningFairy said...
Ann, great material. :) Simon sounds like quite a character. Love the monster story. I battle our 105 year old beagle most the day. Everyone else can use the pet door, but she can't see it, so you have to open the door for her. But, she sits there. Doesn't move. If you try to move her, she moans and gets pissed off. (she's very independent but can't see or hear, so there's the problem). Our animals rule the roost!
July 18, 2007 9:14 AM
Ronni, Thank you for stopping by! After you left that message on blog catalog, it made me think of Simon. Not that I had much of a chance to forget him, but I thought of writing about him. Especially since he will not let me write! I think he's jealous. Your Beagle sounds hilarious! I guess when we get old we'll have an attitude too! It's so comical when they force their will , isn't it? I'm really a dog lover, and can't wait to get a dog. I'm just not in a position at the moment. I lost my 13 year old retriever last year, and she was fussy too. You're right they rule the roost! Thanks for the comment!
Then Anne from The Tall Poppy
Congratulations on your award! You have a great blog. I hope to hear more about Bizzy soon,too. Thanks for nominating my blog for a Rockin' Girl Blogger award. i am very honoured/
June 23, 2007 2:18 PM
Theresa at Sleeping Kitten Dancing Dog
A lovely story Ann. Well written and painted a great picture.
And last but certainly not least Nick from Anything Goes!
Who said,
Hey Ann, congrats on the award. Looks like Adrian picked the right recipient and thanx for awarding it to me. Much appreciated!
Nick, Thank you for always leaving the nicest comments, and writing one of favorite blogs!
Congrats! :)
Enjoy inspirational bloggers and thanks for your friendship!
Congratulations Ann. You deserve the award. Your blog is a great read.
I have tagged you for some link love. I would like to introduce more readers to you.
Thank you Anne! You're not going to believe this, but I'm nominating you for THIS award!
This is not in response to your tag! I promise. I went through my comments today to see who has been supportive of me, since I started blogging. I'm not kidding, you are on my list!
You always have the nicest things to say! I'm going to your blog now! I'm excited! :)
Big thank you to you for nominating me! Streamers coming down here. I'm excited and thrilled. My main goal is to be inspiring and to inspire others. I guess I'm doing that. Thank you again, blogger writer friend. And congrats on your award too.
I'm so glad you're happy Ronni! I love it when I see that you've left a comment! Since I know it will be an inspiring one! This award has your name written all over it!
Congrats! :)
Ann, Thanx for the award. I'm pretty honored to get it from you ...
Are you kidding? You're always visiting and commenting on my silly posts! There's has to be some kind of gratuity for that! :)
So I guess my first comment to this post didn't come through afterall, did it? Glad to see my other comments did make it;)
I'll try again:
The morning of this post, I just walked into A Nice Place in The Sun to see how it's doing and I read this piece about Writer's Reviews Award. Then I see you are actually nominating me!
I start writing a comment to thank you, and I turn speechless (and yes everybody allways says that, but yes I did, and I never).
As a writer you know how hard it is to write something when you're thinking two things at the same time (maybe that's why my comment got lost, lol).
The one thing I was thinking was: oh what a lovely way of writing about an award that you have recieved, carefully avoiding to show this little bit of embarrassement that everybody always feels when accepting an award. And how nice and well considered to do that by using reader comments! My compliments..
The other thing I was thinking is:
I really want to thank you for nominating me. But that feels strange. I do not feel as if I deserve that, I am not an inspiring blogger, come on. I am just this freak/geek with a silly blog that I only run to amuse myself. Look at the first thing I was thinking. Your way of accepting your own award and nominating the others is such a good example of how to BE inspiring. Me not worthy, etc.
But of course I accept it, so as not to offend your intention. But it will take me quite some time to come up with a way to publish about it, in a way even close to as Thoughtful as you did.
Another well written poetic comment! Do you know how good you can write? Thank you Jos! If you don't think that's inspiring...Now I'm doing it, that is, thinking two things at one time! One is: this guy is such a good poet because he's so intuitive about people, and the other? Why doesn't he know how inspiring HE is?
I have evidence of your inspiration right here on this page, Mr. Jos!
Congrats and thank you! :)
Ok-ok-ok. I am inspiring, have it your way...
But also, and I have plenty of evidence of that on my blog, I am 80% weird. Thanks for introducing me to Blogthings, Ann. Really.. Now I know who or what I am;)
I will wear the Award with Great Pride.
Your welcome! I thought you wrote a great post on blog things! I need to go back by your site and take a few tests! I will let you know the results. I see Christy was brave enough to take them!
Congrats again!
The award will look great on your blog!
Congratulations on all of your awards. Apparently you deserve each of them.
As for our friendship, it's easy to share with someone as nice as you. Besides your stories are funny.
"Sleeping Kitten - Dancing Dog!"
Thank you for thinking of me when you handed out this award.
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