I won The Rising Blogger post of the day Award! Yes, It's not a typo, the winning post of the day! The Rising Blogger is awarding blogs that are insightful, creative, interesting and original. We award our "Post of the Day" seven days a week."
The Rising Blogger is written by Judd Corizan, a prolific writer an example of which is in his remarks in his profile * "The written word is so important. Be it in books
* magazines
* newspapers or blogs. The right usage sets your soul free!
I'm truly honored to be recognized by such a talent, and would like to thank you Judd Corizan! Stop by and read The Rising Blogger, where every day you will read a winning post from a different blog! The Rising Blogger's mission statement is listed along with more information on this talented writer and ingenious blog!
Oh! I almost for forgot, The Rising Blogger requested that I "pay it forward" by nominating another post. So start writing bloggers since I will be reading posts to nominate. I 'll find one today!
This is great!
Here is the first part of my winning post-
Who Was Your Favorite Grown-Up?
When you were a child who was your favorite grown-up? My favorite grown-up was my maternal grandmother. Yesterday, I went to her grave site and recalled two of my favorite memories of her. I have many memories of fun grown-ups, although for some reason she's the one who sticks in my mind the most. My other grandparents were great too, of course, but we lived down the street from her in a new neighborhood branched off from an older street or lane, called Moss Side Lane. The name Moss Side came from the moss that hung from the oak trees that shadowed the street.
With the exception of my parents, this grandmother had the most influence in my life. She taught me to wish upon a star, to garden, curtsy, talk to people, read…
continue reading...
Congratulations, Ann!
No today he is on the mark. But over the weekend when I was the recipient I am not so sure.....
Wohohoow!! You ARE a rising blogger! Congrats AGAIN! Will you still remember us little people, when you are all the way up there? ;)
On a more serious note: you DO deserve it. You write very well, and take goad care of your blog at the same time. It's an easy prediction that this combination is surely going to get you Way Up There! Enjoy the flight!
Oh Jos, You literally brought tears to my eyes! I'm trying so hard, sometimes I'm afraid it's too hard!
Plus I haven't a clue what I'm doing. What do you mean remember you? Are you kidding? I couldn't survive without you!
Like today, your comments made my day! You're a great friend, and I'm glad Christy found you! She's got a gift for finding prolific poets, and poets never let you down in friendship.
Thank you for checking on me! :)
Hey Becky I passed up your comment. Do you mean Judd will not need a nomination? Becky I'm dense, what do you mean? Do I smell a rat?
Write me back, o.k.? Becky who did you nominate? :)
Thank You Miriam! :)
And thanks for reading!
I'm not quite sure what you meant by adding me on another list, but I'm not over taxed so go ahead. It doesn't take me but a few minutes to get the code moved from one place to another. :)
Congrats Ann
Hey, I'm trying to figure out how to do the code! Not a single person in my writers friends circle ever said anything about html codes when writing a blog! Anne, at The Tall Poppy was nice enough to add me to a link list and I'm trying to figure out the code. Did you know that I put every single url in the last list! I'm not kidding!
Anyway, maybe you can help me. It's still posted on The Tall Poppy. I'll met you on MyBlogLog.
Thanks Sandee! I'm glad you stopped by-
Hi! I got your url from the Blogger Review, well, I might say you have a very interesting blog here. Keep it up and congratulations on the awards. You deserved it!!! :))
Thank you Choc mint girl! I wish I had your url I'd visit yours! I appreciate you taking the time to comment!
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