Please Join me in Reading On Their Own, Creating An Independent Future For Your Adult Child With Learning Disabilities brought to us by Authors On The Web!
I received a great response from my post Medicating Children With Symptoms Of ADHD, and one was an e-mail requesting a book review from Authors On The Web. I'm honored to be presented with a complimentary copy to review, and can't wait to read my readers comments on what they think of the book. This is my favorite part of blogging about books, and the beginning of a category I'd like to call; What Do You Think? (since you need a category for everything) in which I will post two main book titles to read and review every month, followed by a discussion through the comments at the end of the posted review. (One adult and one children's picture book title) What do you think? is really just my way of doing a book review, and receiving my readers opinion, but I needed a way to introduce the title for discussion. So humor me, while I tell you about my first adult book, then you can go get a copy, or borrow it from the library in time for the review and discussion!
Anne Ford is the author of Laughing Allegra, a book in which she recounts her journey as a young mother of a child with learning disabilities; in On Their Own she now provides us with more insight into her experiences. Written with John-Richard Thompson, the book includes a foreword by Sally Shaywitz, M.D., followed by Anne's own introduction, many high profile interviews, and a section with accounts from other prominent sufferers with learning disabilities. By drawing on her own personal experience, Anne provides the reader with a deep understanding of the challenges parents and children with learning disabilities endure everyday. Helping your child create an independent future, is a task all parents worry about accomplishing, however for those rearing children with learning disabilities, or kids diagnosed with ADHD, the task is hard won. It looks like On Their Own will prove to be an invaluable resource for all parents, and I'm looking forward to reading the views of a writer, on a well researched subject they have experienced themselves.
Buy it, borrow it, or read it in the coffee shop of your favorite book store, but be ready for A Nice Place In The Sun's discussion of On Their Own, Creating An Independent Future For Your Adult Child With Learning Disabilities And ADHD.
What Do you Think about On Their Own? will post on August, 5, so be sure and read a copy in time to comment!
If you know someone who is coping with the challenges of rearing a child with ADHD, or you are coping with these challenges yourself, I urge you to take part in this discussion, since having a support system helps with every situation, and this book is getting great reviews; but also so you will have a great reference guide if you're coping with a child with ADHD, and/or other learning disabilities, since Anne Ford has a section on every worry you can imagine.
Get a copy while there's plenty of time to join in the discussion.
I'm researching this months What Do You Think, picture book as we speak! Really I am! :)
Be sure and join in these discussions!
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Hi Ann
I have tagged you (sorry), this is a blog challenge that has been travelling for quite a while. You have to post 7 things about yourself that are not well known and tag 7 other people.
Thanks for the recommendation. I'm always looking for a new book to read. Especially one that talks about this subject.
You are more than welcome! :) Let me know what you think, o.k.?
Thank you for reading!
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