When my son was in the second grade, his teacher suggested he have an evaluation for Attention Deficit Disorder.
Coping with the consequences of a divorce, our home had become an organizational disaster area, throwing my son into an emotional orbit. There were changes in his daily routine and children go haywire when their environment provides them little, or poor structure. During this time in our family my son was hyper, restless , and unhappy. Although he was voted "best character" in his school's yearbook the year before our family problems.
It got to where I could pinpoint when he would bring a disciplinary letter home from school. You can see why his teacher was concerned since she certainly didn't have a clue what was happening in our home.
Educators, child psychologists, and parents alike, often blame the child, instead of looking at what our kids may be experiencing at any given moment.
This is not to suggest we ignore teachers and child psychologists advice, or not pay close attention to our children's' behavior; however, you have to be careful, when considering putting your child on a potentially harmful medication.
Moreover, we have to watch being over zealous in our attempt to help kids who suffer from both, Attention Deficit Disorder, and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. With so many children on drugs (ADHD medication) that have a street drug value, there is certainly cause for alarm.
It seems regardless of the consequences, parents, physicians, and educators, are quick to assess, and medicate children with social and behavior problems, misdiagnosing these kids with ADD or ADHD. This raises concern over the question, that we may be overlooking better treatments, and options for kids with ADD or ADHD.
After the opposition to an evaluation, my sons' teacher insisted on the completion of a written list of symptoms, confirming his behavior. However, the questions to the evaluation were general. For example, " Is your child easily bored or distracted?" Now, how can you answer that? Especially, if you are opposed to putting your child on medication, and your answers may suggest your child has ADD or ADHD. It's easier to prescribe medication instead of looking at all the options, especially when a professional suggests it.
Why do we make it our children's problem, then define them as having something wrong with them, simply because they are higher strung than other children? When many of these kids would benefit from a highly structured environment, with daily routines. We need to stop being indolent, and start looking into the many alternatives that are producing positive results.
Alternatives to medicines are out there; although like children taking medication, these alternatives should be part of a comprehensive treatment program. Parental counseling, educational plans, and social training, are the essential ingredients to any successful treatment program, which needs to be in place with or without medication.
For example parents should research a comprehensive treatment program whether their child
is on medication or not.
So we all need to focus on the whole picture when it comes to treating and diagnosing ADHD.
You know your child better than anyone else, so listen to your own instincts, especially on an issue as important ADHD.
Note from author- This article is referring to my personal experience with my sons symptoms of ADHD. All parents should follow the advice of their medical professional when considering medicating their children. These are the opinions of a writer and parent not a medical professional derived from personal experience and shouldn't be used as a basis for making such an important and personal decision. Everyones situation and experiences are different and need to be considered on a individual basis by medical professionals.
Thank you for reading!

Photo obtained from public images
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My 11 yr old has ADHD. We tried numerous behavior modifications before medicating. I think that you need to explore all of your options before moving on to the meds. The medication has made a huge difference in my son and his ADHD is now managable. His grades have improved and he does not get into half as much trouble as he used to in school.
That's great that you have your son's ADHD under control. It's impressive that you explored all of your options before moving onto meds. Every child's circumstances are different. It sounds like medication is the best solution for yours-
Thank you for your comment-
Best Wishes-
Hi, Ann, I write AD(H)D articles for www.hubpages.com and recently wrote about the latest research concerning AD(H)D medications. You might find it interesting.
The easiest way to access the articles is through the links on my blog. http://carolbogart.blogspot.com. (My son has ADHD and so do I.)
Carol, I really enjoyed all of your articles!
Thanks for visiting
A Nice Place In The Sun
I absolutely agree with this! My son has been diagnosed with predominately inattentive type ADHD as well as a learning disability. We have opted not to medicate him at this time despite pressure from some medical professionals. We recognize as parents that sometimes Tony's biggest problem is US. Environmental upset can make symptoms worse.
This was one of my most difficult decisions as a parent, and it 's so hard to know what to do. All any of us can do is stay informed and follow our best instincts. This was a hard post to write! Thank you so much for your comment.
My daughter is 11 and she has ADHD...we have her on meds right now...and the docs are telling us that is the right decision. I still think that she may be bipolar or its just a behavior thing. But she has been diagnosed twice now so I can't fight about it anymore.
By the way...where do you get your cool clip art from??? I like them!
Hey Taylor, I would've put my son on medicine too had his behavioral problems continued. I'm sure your docs are making the right decision. Don't second guess yourself, you know what is best for your child. The author of "On Their Own" a book on ADHD is sending me a copy to do a review on next week. I'll let you know when I get it-
My clip art is from public images. I have a link to it at the bottom of each post- :)
Thanks for the comment and for stopping by-
P.s. I'm having computer trouble , but I'll be back-
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