And I took the liberty of quoting some of what you wrote in your award post.
"I created this award because words sometimes are not enough to show how much you guys mean to me. I have “met” so many good people on the internet, and a lot of you have brightened my life in so many ways. "
She also said that the blogs she nominated had the option of either passing the award along to others or posting it, it was up to them. Her only request is that you link your post back to her, the creator. Because when bloggers forget to mention the blogger who created the award we lose sight of where it originated and that's a drag. Therefore, remember the awards creator when you pass it along to your "Awesome Blogger Friends."
Thanks again Ettarose for this magnificent honor...you're the greatest.
And because I think both you and your award are also "awesome" I decided to pass your award along to my special "awesome bunch" of friends. Who are:
Dawn at Twisted Sister
Sandee at Comedy Plus
Ferd at The Best Parts
Eric from Speedcat Hollydale Page
Bud at WTIT Radio Blog
Maunie at her new blog Maunie's World
Farvel Cargo
Paula's Playground
I usually don't place awards on the same post, but I'm been blessed enough to be nominated for a few more by my buddy Sandee from Comedy Plus that I've had for some time now. I love them too and I wanted to pass them along before Sandee thinks I forgot. Both of these awards were passed to Sandee from The Teach at Work of the Poet
One is the You Make Me Smile Award and the other is the Super Commenter Award, both of which I would like to pass to everyone I nominated for The Million Dollar Friend Award I gave out on Monday, so check the list. However, I would like to mention a few bloggers for The Super Commenter Award who frequently leave comments that keep me going on a daily basis. Thank you again Sandee and thanks to all of you~
Nominees for the You Make me Smile Award is everyone on my blogroll and on my list for The Million Dollar Friend Award.

And special thanks to my regular super commenter's:
Dawn at Twisted Sister
Sandee at Comedy Plus
Maunie at her new blog Maunie's World
Bud at WTIT Tape Radio Blog
Chilly at On The Bricks
Daisy at Daisy the Curly Cat
Sue at Farvel Cargo

Paula at Paula's Playground
Ettarose at ettarose-edge of sanity.com
Eric at Speedcat Hollydale page
Ferd at The Best Parts
Jeni at Down River Drivel
Kim at Purple Frogcat
Broadway Matron at Broadway Matron
If you are a regular commenter and I left out a link to your blog, please forgive me and let me know...and I will promptly add you.
Congratulations to all of you and thank you Sandee and Ettarose for nominating me. Both of you made my day, week, and year....
Yes you ARE an awesome blogger friend.
What Broadway Matron said. You are an awesome blogger friend. Thanks for the cool award honey. Big hug and lotsa lovies. :)
Oh my gosh Annie...I am thrilled and overwhelmed...What the heck...
two different awards...my head will get so big I will think I'm queen of the world...anything I can ever do to make you happy Ann, you know I will try it...thanks you silly lovely friend...I have to have dear Santa add the awards for me...but thanks..your the best
I very much appreciate it. Glad that you're back 'n bloging...
Thanks so much Ann!
I will have to do a catch up on awards day :)
Sorry for not getting here sooner... glitches on the horoscope site have me pulling my hair out!
Thank you for this You Make Me Smile award and The Million Dollar Friend Award that I received earlier in the week. I will display them on my blog!
Broadway Matron, You too! And cheers back to you~ :))
Sandee, You're most welcome my friend, and back to you~:))
Big hug, and love,
Maunie, You are queen of the world. They haven't told you yet? (laughing)
All kidding aside, you deserve one hundred awards my friend. I will have to go and thank our sweet Santa Claus. I know you're not using your blog right now, but I've been linking to it anyway. Do you want me to send your links to Santa for the time being? If you do, I will be happy to, just let me know.
And by the way, you've already done enough for me, silly goose. You're one of the greatest~
Have a wonderful weekend~
Big hug and love,
Bud, Thank you. Its good to be back...and you're most appreciated.
Have a great weekend~ :))
Cheers and e-hug,
Dawn, Yep, you're computer is definitely a male. I hope he behaves better today. I'm sorry I'm a day behind with this reply. Plus, I'm glad you saw these awards because you deserve them.
Thanks for being you, and have a great weekend, my friend~
Luvs ya,
Mimi, Thank you. You're post today cracked me up...It's Thurs. I'm a day late with this reply.
And you're more than welcome for these awards. Thanks for stopping by, and thanks for the laugh this morning. :)
Maunies new link is:
Santa made a new site for her..You know how hard it was to keep that secret from her?
Anyway, I came by to visit and ended finding out i get another award..I just posted a new award i got recently from Santa..I am only the second person to get that award being that Paula was the first to get it..Thank you for the award..I shall post it soon...~kim
well deserved and it's so nice to see you posting..:)
OMG! Where do I start? First I'd like to thank the little people, without whom I'd never have won these awards. You know who you are!
And my parents who haven't a clue what blogging is and their eyes glaze over when I speak of it. My family who wear dirty socks because I'm too busy blogging to do laundry.
Seriously Ann, thank you for thinking of me. I will post with a link to you this weekend. Busy week at work. I'm looking forward to a three day weekend!
My goodness... I have hit the blogging jackpot!
So very nice Ann :-)
Right now I am in the middle of a 90 hour work week - (hard to believe but true)
My next and only day off will be Monday. I will be showing off my new awards then !!!
I read comments and blogs on my cell phone when I get an extra minute during the day. When I read your comment and it really gave me a boost.
Singing Sweet Home Alabama tonight, and have no idea why. Ha haa!!!
Congratulations on your awards! And thank you so much for the link. My Mommie is still in Wyoming so I am a little bit sad.
Just checking on you sweaty...if I don't see something every day I get worried...All the excitement...How wonderful of Santa to take pity on a wacky lady who can't even keep passwords straight...now, I promise I will tattoo all the info on my butt...hum no that won't work I'd have to use a mirror...perhaps my boobs...my gyno would have a smile but oh well...have to put that backwards so I could mirror it too. maybe I'll just tell it to all my friends and they can remind me...hope your taking it easy sweaty...hugs and a big fat kiss
It's Saturday...do you know where all your friends are? how's everything sweetcheeks?
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