"You are never a burden.. don't ever think that. Friends need each other to pick them up when they are down and I would do nothing less. "
Dawn Drover~
This phrase was written in an e-mail I received at one of my lowest moments. My dear friend Dawn Drover from Twisted Sister was responding to a comment I wrote to her in an e-mail.
Dawn is a gifted writer with a great sense of humor, but she is also one of those people who instinctively knows what it means to be a good friend; this kind of person makes you look forward to the days ahead and fondly remember the days that have passed.
Therefore, I think her words nicely define the sentiment behind The Million Dollar Friend Award. In the last few months I've been too ill to write much on A Nice Place In The Sun and everyone's support really helped me remember how great people can be.
We remember the value of friendship in times of hardship, so I wanted all of you to know that your actions made a difference- Therefore, in keeping with the spirit of friendship, I decided to bring back The Million Dollar Friend Award, in an effort to show my gratitude. Many of you already have The Million Dollar Friend Award so I made it look a little different, or more childish anyway. Now others will think that you are one terrific friend and you're probably thinking how immature some grown woman can be... (meaning me) but I had to make the graphic different because it's a different award.
Moving on, I've tried to include everyone, but if you have left a comment, wrote a post, or posted a get well wish, and you are not nominated for an award, please let me know. Because I will be upset if I overlooked anyone, especially someone who went out of their way to wish me well. And...if you are not listed here, but you are on my blogroll, it's an oversight and please let me know, because of course you are nominated. Basically, everyone is nominated for this award, however, I wanted to especially recognize everyone who has been supportive over the last few months.
Also, you do not have to receive a Million Dollar Friend Award to nominate other blogs, but please respect the wording in the paragraph and link back to the blog who passes it to you, along with the original links.
If you have some million dollar friends you would like to pass this award to be sure to copy and paste the following paragraph with a link to Twisted Sister to acknowledge her words that touched me in my e-mail and I'm sure touched you.
Also include a link to A Nice Place In The Sun where the award originated. I have included both the links to Twisted Sister and A Nice Place In The Sun within the paragraph to go along with the award.
In addition, if you would like to include what a million dollar friend means to you, please feel free to do so, it will make each bloggers post interesting and exciting to read.
To pass The Million Dollar Award to your million dollar friends, copy and paste the award image along with the original paragraph below~ (click on blog names for the links)
Start Copy---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
"You are never a burden.. don't ever think that. Friends need each other to pick them up when they are down and I would do nothing less. "
Dawn Drover~ Twisted Sister
A Million Dollar Friend is the kind of person who instinctively knows what it means to be a good friend; this kind of person makes you look forward to the days ahead and fondly remember the days that have passed.
A Nice Place In The Sun
End copy------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Now, post your nominees and what a million dollar friend means to you. And that's it.
I decided not to include any rules since my friends generally aren't rule followers. :)
And speaking of friends, along with an award nomination, I would like to dedicate The Million Dollar Friend Award to a few bloggers who have become dear friends to me throughout my first year of blogging. I've written 448 posts since July of last year, and I thank all of you for helping me survive and enjoy every minute of it. Here are some of my first friends...
Dawn, from Twisted Sister without whose laughter and inspiration I couldn't survive... My dear friend Sandee at Comedy Plus who is a daily ray of sunshine. Sandee's golden spirit shines through every comment she's written on my blog since I've known her, especially lately...and she is another perfect example of a Million Dollar friend. Sandee practically helped me build my blog and is always there to cheer me on, correct me, or give me a pat on the back, and this time she was here to tell me to "Get some rest and do for you," and every comment ended with "Big hug and lotsa of lovies"
So Sandee, Big hug and lotsa lovies back to you honey, everybody loves you, including me.
Another great example is Maunie, whose daily comments made me laugh and kept my spirits up...thanks Maunie- I appreciate you, and big hug and lotsa lovies to you too~`
Ferd, thanks for the words of encouragement. And Bud, I love your repeated comments or your comments when you decided to add something else, but your words became entangled; I don't know if you were trying to be funny but they were hilarious. Speedy, thank you for remembering that I ask my readers every Saturday what song they're singing today, and for being you~ No matter how bad I felt it made me think of a song. Sue, thanks for stopping by to wish me well and make me laugh, Turnip, at Turnip of Power, Mel at Monday Morning Power, everyone at The Blue Ribbon Bloggers, Christy at Christys Coffee Break, Dan at dcr blogs, Aussie at Aussie Cynic, Meleah , Ettarose, Jackie, Chilly,
Special thanks to Dawn from Twisted Sister and Bud from WTIT Radio Blog for creating and displaying their spectacular "Get Well Annie" banners, and to Sandee at Comedy Plus, Broadway Matron, and Ferd from Crazy Medical Cases for posting them in their sidebars.
Also, a special thanks to the bloggers who sent get well wishes in their posts, and again if I've missed anyone please please let me know. We can blame it on technorati, then I will add your post immediately. First, Dawn from Twisted Sister blew me away by wishing me get well wishes and posting the lyrics and video to my favorite song Only Time, by Enya. I was beside myself with gratitude and in tears.
In addition, thanks to e?e, (I tried, but I cannot write the symbol :(
So, let's try it this way, thank you Watching and Writing for mentioning me in your post People in Need.
It was a kind and thoughtful gesture and it helped, also, thanks to Robert at Black Tie and Sneakers for his post Sunday Sing Along.
In closing, I was impressed with everyone who continued to purchase my ads and drop on my Entrecard. I will not forget your kindness, and I'll catch up with my purchases and begin dropping on your cards as often as possible. I've tried to include as many of your links as possible, but if you're an Entrecard member, please consider yourself nominated.
And The Million Dollar Friend Award nominees are...
Sandee at Comedy Plus
Dawn at Twisted Sister
Eric at Speedcat Hollydale Page
Bud at WTIT Tape Radio
(the blog)
Ferd at CrazyMedicalCases
Dan at dcr Blogs
The Blue Ribbon Bloggers
Aussie at Aussie Cynic
Margaret at Travelin' Show
Meleah at Momma Mia, Mea Culpa
Sue from Farvel Cargo
Arv at Thoughts On The Wall
Turnip at Turnip of Power
FeeFiFoto Blog
Robert at Black Tie And Sneakers
ettarose- edgeofsanity
Extremely Funny
The World of Silly Willy And Fluffy
Broadway Matron
Paulas Playground
Christy at Christys Coffee Break
Jackie from The Painted Veil
Mimi from Mimi Writes
Jennifer at Robin's Woods
Abelle at Only In Silence
Kim at Purple frogcat
Sugar Queens Dream
Chilly at On The Bricks
Jennifer at Down River Drivel
Jude at Mature Not Senile
Mariuca at Mariuca's Perfume Gallery
Laura at That Grrl
Kathy at The Junk Drawer
Mo at It's a Blog Eat Blog World
Claire at A Little Piece Of Me
Babs at Beetle Blog
Henson at Henson's Hell
Daisy at Daisy the Curly Cat
OMYWORD! Did I say...
Beeker's Words
Tricia at Tricia's Musings
Deb at Deb on the Rocks
Scott at Wildclips
Mel at Monday Morning Power
AmyOops at AmyOops!
Margie and Edna at Margie and Edna's Basement
Maunie at Mauniejames2.blogspot.com
My cat Simon insisted on being nominated for The Million Dollar Friend Award. (I didn't nominate him for the last one)
I'm sorry, he just doesn't understand, and he threatened to knock down everything on my kitchen counter if I didn't nominate him. I took this photo awhile back for a post. I caught him red-handed in my chair. He kept looking away from the camera like I couldn't see him if he couldn't see me, so he still thinks he got away with it.
Annie, you are the reason we all care. With your sweet disposition and cheerful ways we can't help but love you. Thank you so much for thinking of me. I would do it again in a split second. You stay strong. As you can see you are well thought of and well loved. :)
ettarose, I'm in tears. I believe those are the kindest words ever written to me. I love the way you write, you, and your blog. And thank you for thinking of me. It meant so much, truly it did.
You're the greatest and thanks for making my day. :))
Love, Annie
Thankyou Ann..Hope you are doing fine....Maunie wanted to kill me for the post i did on her, but i do care for all my friends...Take care and thank you again...~kim
What a beautiful post Ann. I'm so glad you are doing much better as well. We all love you honey, it's impossible not to love you. You are just the sweetest. We all just want you to be well and happy. It's just that simple.
Thank you so much for this beautiful award. I'm so proud to call you my friend. I'll get a post up today. Thank you for always making me feel special too. Big hug and lotsa lovies. :)
Annie I am speechless... (we both know that doesn't happen often!)
I'll borrow Sandee's words.. "I'm so proud to call you my friend."
Thank you from the bottom of my heart... :)
I love the graphic. It's perfect! You are a special person Ann. I'm still very sorry about how we met and wish I could change everything that happened (for both of us). But mostly I want you to know I've been praying for you and I just want you back healthy and posting regularly again. You bring a bright light to the blogosphere. Thank you for including me here.
I bet Maunie did want to kill you, but I'm glad you did it. And thank you for the e-mail with her address. I'm going to send her a card. I had a feeling something was going on with her. Is she at home? Or do you know?
Thanks again Kim, and congratulations~
Sandee, I love you! And thank you and thank you. I was blown away when I came home and read so many of your heartwarming comments. It meant much to me Sandee, really it did. And I still have to write a post for the awards you nominated me for during that period. I loved them.
There are some friends that we know will be there, in spirit, if not in any other way- I know that about you. And I'm sure many of your friends feel the same way.
You are special...I'm just lucky enough to notice the quality...and I'm also proud to be your friend.
Congratulations my dear award, and I hope you have a great week~
Big hug and lotsa lovies back :))))
Annie xxxooo
Dawn, (laughing) I don't think either of us are ever at a lost for words...
Except, for maybe now. Because I too, haven't any words. For both you and Sandee to write that you're proud to call me your friend after all both of you have done for me...well...what does one write after that kind of compliment?
Congrats my million dollar friend~
Luvs Ya,
Paula, I'm glad you like the graphic. We seem to share the same tastes don't we? I'm sorry for the way things happened too, but that was yesterday and it's past us.
Thank you for your prayers and for the encouragement to get back to posting regularly. I just get tired, but the truth is all of you are the best medicine. And what do you mean, thanks for including you? You're most welcome.
I hope things are getting better for you and your family, and I will pray for you as well.
I see 2 cats were awarded here! Love the "Simon" photo shoot :-)
Ann, I just did the World's Largest Meme at my page ... ha haa!! Lot of links including you. I will put this up at my awards page and then move it over to my main blog soon.
Thank you thank you!
ps ... wishing the best to Maunie and Kim.
Why thank you, Miss Annie! That's just the sweetest thing! And the ¿ is really easy to make -- just hold down the alt key and on your number pad, press 168 in succession. Let off the alt key and voila! it will be there.
For more alt characters, just do a google search for them, there's several sites where they are listed and the keys to press.
You keep getting better! I'm new to your site, so don't know you as well as some of the others, so I'm especially complimented that you included me in your award. Plus included a link to my photo blog as well -- Travelin' Show -- that was so very kind!
Keep on with what you're doing -- it's working!
WooHoo! You sound so much better!!!!
It makes me very, very happy!
We eLove you, Annie!
I finally have a post up sweetie. I hope I did it right. Love you to pieces honey. Big hug. :)
Hello, Ann. A big thanks for including me. I found the link in my dashboard and it led me here. A very sweet thing to start my day.
Happy blogging! ;o)
Thanks Ann - I added the award to my sidebar and have done a post linking the award back to you and Twisted Sister too. Here's hoping this reverberates in spades to bring even more good vibes your way and to everyone else who participates as well!
Speedy, Yep it does appear that two cats are here. But, I must warn you Simon thinks he's the only one who was nominated for this award period.
The cat is delusional. And he will love that you liked his photo shoot. That is if I tell him...smile (just kidding)
Thank you for including my link in "the worlds largest meme." I feel honored, and believe me, I understand how hard it can be. An awards page is a good idea. But, I will be looking for the award on your main blog. (Laughing)
Actually, I just wanted you to have a Million Dollar Friend Award, and know how much I appreciate all of your comments when I was under the weather.
Which reminds me, what song are you singing today? Mine is Poems, Prayers and Promises, by John Denver. I don't know why, I haven't thought of that song in years.
Have a great day and congrats my freind~
Huge hug~
Margaret, It was also nice of you to mention me in your People In Need Post, which by the way was excellent and thoughtful.
And alright, I'm going to try your trick, but I warn you, I am never good at these things...but here goes... Oh, ¿ it worked! (laughing) Now, I want to do it again, you know how you want to keep doing something you've just learned? e¿e Now, how do I do the eyebrows?
I guess I will have to find that out on my own, won't I? You've already taught me something new, and it's neat too. You should have seen me trying to figure it out before.
It was at least as entertaining as most of the reality shows on the airwaves, and some of those are good.
Moving on, your welcome for including your link and congrats on your nomination.
I love your blog and I Thank you for such a nice compliment about A Nice Place In The Sun. I'm glad what I'm doing is working~ That sentence made my day.
It's nice to meet you ê¿ê (I cheated.) Although, I will learn how to write it myself... however much of a challenge that may be...
Have a great day~
Ferd, I do sound better? Oh good. I was a little worried about how my words may be stringing together. I think the last time I wrote you a comment, I felt I was in a fog.
And it makes me "very very happy" that you noticed and checked on me my million dollar friend~ Congrats on your nomination.
And e-love and hug you back Ferd, thanks,
Yippee on Tuesdays question. Have a great day sweetie. Big hug and lotsa lovies. :)
Sandee, Thanks so much for letting me know that you posted the award. After I saw this comment I went to Comedy Plus and was amazed and touched by what I read.
I loved your introduction. I think that was the best award post you've ever written. It was all heart~ My hats off to you. :)))
Huge hug, and love always,
Sandee, You must have been leaving the comment about Tuesday's Question when I was writing a reply about your award posting.
I almost posted Tuesday's Question today, but I want to give it all I have and for some reason I'm as worn out as an eighty year old. I just have to get back into the swing of things, I guess.
I'm glad you stopped by- thanks for being here...
You have a great day too~
Big hug and lotsa lovies back to you~
You are the sweetest and most loving person ever...don't worry about me...I am so much better...
I hate just laying around though...because when you do all you see is dust and cobwebs on the walls...why does my house sound like such a pig pen? (laughing)
Penny thinks that if Simon was nominated she should be too because we all know she is the worlds most beautiful cat...I'm not telling her she wasn't even mentioned...you know how she holds a grudge...(big fat smile)
Honey I love you to death...now you rest and relax too...big kiss
Abelle, I was so impressed with your post. I loved "A million dollar friend is someone who not only pulls you up when you’re down, but also always finds a way to not let you fall."
That is priceless, and I hope it encourages everyone to continue to add what their idea of what a good friend means to them. Thanks for such an articulate post. And congrats to you and your nominees.
Your post was also a sweet way to begin my day.
Happy blogging back to you~
Hey Annie Girl!
I was looking for this song from 20 years ago (I was 19 eek!) and it totally reminded me of stuff we have been thru and it made me laugh and smile so I dedicate to you and hope it makes you smile too. Love ya lots.
Those were my shoes (hehehehe)
Gain up to 600 visitors in a day for just one message here.
Thank you so much for including me in your list of recipients. It also came to me by way of Dawn at Twisted Sister. I appreciate your thoughtfulness and have acknowledged it during Awards Week at Bloggingham Palace. I remember the first one you made and this one is equally cute.
Take it easy and take care of YOU. You'll get your strength back in time if you don't push it. Sending healing vibes and peace to you....
Maunie, You're telling me to rest and relax? (laughing) And boy do I know about seeing the dust and cobwebs when you cannot do anything about them.
And watch and see when you feel better you will not be able to find where you saw them. Everything will appear spotless. So you may as well lay around and get some rest, just look in the other direction. Did you get my card?
I was worried about you, so thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment, especially when you aren't feeling well.
Tell Penny that she is officially nominated. I don't know if that will help, but maybe she'll come around if she sees her name published? I'll keep my fingers crossed.
Big hug and love to both of you~
Jeni, Evidently, I just skipped right over you, and I loved your comment. I sandwiched you between Abelle, and my reply to Speedy. I'm so sorry, (laughing) I hope you will forgive me.
I can't wait to read your post, and see the award in your sidebar. And I'm sure it will bring good vibes to everyone who participates. Also, thank you for linking the award back to ANPITS and Twisted Sister.
I hope it "reverberates in spades" back to you and your Million Dollar Friends.
Congrats Jeni and thanks for being one of my Million Dollar friends. :))
Paula, Hey, I'll try the link. I can only imagine what you've drudged up. (laughing) Thanks for thinking about me. I can always use a laugh. Now, let's just hope I can get the link to go through. (Smile)
Big Hug~
Eric, Those WERE your shoes? (laughing) So, I was feeling bad for nothing. Either that or....hmmmm
Mimi, Thank you for including me in the Peace Globe Project and for all you do for everyone in the blogging community.
I know you and I haven't communicated much, but I admire you, and I think you definitely qualify as a Million Dollar Friend, therefore, you're more than welcome.
Thank you for acknowledging The Million Dollar Friend Award during Awards Week at Bloggingham Palace. I can't wait to read them, in fact, I'm behind on the happenings at the palace. The adventures I've read before at Bloggingham Palace are always hysterical.
Also congrats on being nominated twice. And I might add by two great people. (laughing)
I'm thrilled that you remember the first award, and thanks for the compliment on both of them. I'm not the best graphic artist in the world, so I appreciate it.
And thank you for the healing vibes Mimi~ Peace back to you.
I posted the award! Hope I did it right.
I believe those are the kindest words ever written to me. I love the way you write, you, and your blog. I also like the info. I love to go through it.
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