Readers/Bloggers comments are posted after the main post with a link to their blogs~Hello, and welcome to the 40th Tuesday's Question posted on A Nice Place In The Sun. All participates answers will be posted today in this post along with a link to their site, but you don't have to own a blog to participate. All you have to do is write your answer in comments and I will do the rest~
In addition, every participate is welcome to a Tuesday's Question Brag Badge posted with a code in my sidebar. The Brag Badge gives you the opportunity to bring your visitors to archived Tuesday's Questions where you can show off your ingenuity from your past comments.
Whether you are participating or reading I thank you for stopping by for a visit. Answers will be posted as quickly as possible throughout the day with a link to the bloggers who commented, therefore, don't forget to visit the participating bloggers blogs. Chances are if you liked their comments you will like their blogs. Have Fun, and remember Tuesday's Question is a weekly post of original questions, well, questions off the top of my head anyway. ~
Today’s Question is: If your fairy Godmother appeared to grant three of your childhood dreams or wishes, what would they be? All of us had fantasies and heroes when we were children, what were yours? For example, what if you had the opportunity to magically transform into Batman, pilot your own airplane, dance on Broadway, or star in your own movie, which three would you choose? Which movie star, Disney character, novelist, or songwriter did you admire?
However, those are just examples, you can choose more realistic childhood dreams that could come true with or without the help of a fairy Godmother. All morning, I tried to decide whether to ask what three wishes you would ask a fairy godmother at this time, or what three childhood wishes you would pick. Therefore, if you would prefer to answer the adult form of the question, I suppose it would be fine with your fairy godmother. In addition, one of the main objectives of the Tuesday’s Question feature is to help us learn more about you, and your wishes and dreams are a big part of who you are. Moreover, you never know, a fairy godmother may be listening, especially if you believe in magic, because if you believe in your dreams anything is possible.
For instance, magic has happened before on this blog; for one thing this is the 40th question, and what began as a way to get to know my readers, introduce bloggers to each other, and share link love has created many important friendships for others; and me and I find that pretty amazing.
Also, I would like to offer a special thanks to my regular supporters of Tuesday's Question, (you know who you are) because this feature wouldn't still exist if it weren't for you.
Remember, because your comments are published in real time, (or as close as possible) feel free to comment to each other, copy the links to new bloggers blogs, and have a good time. Are you ready? Here’s the question again,
If your fairy Godmother appeared to grant three of your childhood dreams or wishes, what would they be?
My first comment just arrived from Sandee at
Comedy Plus. Sandee took the time to write an answer that is written with an intensity and passion that will blown you away, it did me. Click on the Read more to read Sandee's comment.
Click "Read more" for readers comments:
Here's Sandee Comedy Plus comment... If you haven't read either of Sandee's blogs Blogging by Sandee or Comedy Plus, treat yourself, and click on one or both of these links.
Sandee's comment:
First, it's great to see a Tuesday's Question. Fabulous.
1. That my parents never got into that awful car accident in the late 60s. It really did kind of end my dads good health.
2. That I could have enjoyed my high school years. We lived on a farm and we milked cows every 12 hours. I was the eldest so I had to help milk cows, along with a million other chores.
When I started high school I was voted to be the princess of the first official dance. I couldn't go. It ended my popularity pretty much.
I attended one football game in all the years of high school. I just wasn't allowed to do anything. I can still hear my parents saying, "You have to do your chores."
3. That my family would have been more loving. It's not that we didn't love each other, but we just didn't show it. We weren't taught to hug those we loved, so we didn't. We siblings are hugging each other now, but it would have been so nice when we were growing up.
Thanks Ann for an opportunity to relive some of my past and mostly for being able to make it better...even if I really can't. Big hug and lotsa lovies honey. :)
August 26, 2008 12:59 PM
My next comment came from another friend and veteran of Tuesday's Question, Paula at Paula's Playground
Paula always writes the nicest comments. Read this,
Hi beautiful. So glad to see the question today! What a great one it is too. It's hard to remember what wishes I had as a kid but I'll try.
1) I always wished for my mom and dad to be happy and healthy. My mom was sick a lot of my childhood due to a back injury and a bucketload of surgeries. She is good now, but most of my teen years she spent in bed and I hated watching her suffer and be in pain.
2) I wanted to be a dancer or a ballerina on the stage and wished for that. In my dreams sometimes I dance and dance and dance. I think it is such a freeing form of self-expression.
3) I would always wish for lots of kids when I got to be a grown-up. Well, look at that! One of the wishes did come true! :-) I guess I should remind myself of this when they are driving me crazy. (smile)
Then, my buddy Dawn from Twisted Sister, who always makes me, blogging just wouldn't be blogging without her.
Like Sandee said... it's great to see Tuesday's Question again!
1. I desperately wanted to live with the Brady Bunch. I knew it was just TV but I used to imagine it was real. They had a large family and everything was perfect. I had a large family and everything was not!
2. I would lie awake at night and pray that my parents would move back to Toronto. I had a hard time adjusting to country life... although I did in the end :)
3. I wished I would grow. I was the runt of the litter and still am! Although I am grateful for it now... I was teased a lot for my size as a kid.
Thanks for the therapy Ann! I feel much better now :)-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Then, I was thrill to see that the always hilarious and kind Sue from Farvel Cargo stopped by to give us a laugh.
WooHoo! Three wishes!
Ann how have you been? I've been sending happy thoughts your way!
Dear Fairy Godmother, my first wish is for bigger boobs. This wish can be applied to either back when I was a kid or now.
Dear Fairy Godmother, in the sixth grade I really would have liked to have had the guts to finish cheer leading tryouts. I chickened out at the end and ran to my mother waiting in the car. They said I would have made the squad had I stuck it out.
Dear Fairy Godmother, how about granting me the wisdom to listen to my parents when they said an education is important.
There you have it, now if someone would let me borrow their time machine, it would be swell.
And another dear friend who also writes good comments, Ferd from The Best Parts
Finally! Geesh! A Tuesday Question! Where the heck have you been!?!
Kidding!!! I'm really glad to see you back!! I worried about and missed you, Annie!
1. Growing up, our family was very disconnected. We still are, except for a very few things that bring us together. It is the reason that today I long for connection. Fortunately, that wish is slowly being granted. I am slowly learning to do that, which does not come naturally to an introvert.
2. Ever since I can remember, I wanted to be a doctor. That wish did come true, and it has been a very important part of my life.
3. I wanted and needed a loving and healthy primary relationship. It took a while, but that dream has also come true.
I guess I have a lot of blessings to count! Thanks, Annie!
And another blogging buddy, Jeni from Down River Drivel
THe things I wanted most growing up were 1) a brother or a sister; 2) a dad and 3) marriage and a large family -the house with the white picket fence type thing.
I was an only child and hated it -absolutely hated it! My dad died when I was not quite 3 weeks old so I never knew him. I didn't realize that it was the fact I didn't know what he was like, therefore, how I may have been like him and that lack of knowledge created a lot of angst I guess you could say within me as I tried to figure out who I really am.
I did marry -had three children and now, 3 grandchildren -my absolute pride and joy as you know if you've followed my blog for any length of time. Over the past 10 years or so I have slowly come to learn bits and pieces about my Dad, what he was like, what he liked too, as I have been digging in to family tree research. And as to brothers and sisters, over the years I have often done my own brand of adopting brothers and sisters -even quasi-parents too and my kids have adopted many of these people as their substitute grandparents, aunts/uncles, extended families as well. Who knows, maybe someday I will even find someone who accepts me for who and what I am and might even find marital happiness after all. I'm not looking exactly but if someone came along that was comfortable with me and I, with him, I wouldn't walk away from it.
My next comment is another touching one from Ettaerose at
Annie, I am glad you are feeling well enough to do Tuesday's question. My three wishes are as follows;
1 Parents who really loved each other the way I think they should have. My Mom died a quick sad death and my Dad remarried after 8 months. I was told by him that he finally knew what real love was.
2 I wish my children were not harmed by someone when they were growing up. I still have a hard time with this.
3 I have always wanted to be a doctor. More than anything. Being married at 16 I never did.
And last, but certainly not least Maunie at Mauniejames2 left one of her great comments.
Hi honey,
First congrats on winning blog of the day over at Santa's...
1. I was not the cherished child so I always pretended that I was adopted and my real Mom would came rescue me...I adored my Dad and hoped he and I could just disappear.
2. Most people on one side of the family were very musical and boy I wanted to be able to sing...My son who has a band told me to stop singing to my granddaughters because they may be tone deaf...I sang to them anyway...and taught them many there.
3. That I went to college instead of modeling parents never listened to me...why in this instant did they give in...I'm the only one in my family who doesn't have a full degree...what a dope...
I've had tons of courses but its disjointed and they don't add up to a full degree.
Double and triple thanks to all of you who participated. All of your comments were passionate, heartfelt, and most of all honest... It is really impressive to read, and I appreciate all of you~