Oct 22, 2016


     I would like to thank my dear friend Sandee from Comedy Plus for posting, asking, and responding to the wonderful comments on Tuesday's Question.

Friendship is one of the most valuable gifts we have in our lives and I am grateful for Sandee's and everyone who took the time to write about the stories of their childhood, which I understand is a gutsy thing to do.

I have been ill, but determined to keep ANPITS rolling. So, for some time, I haven't posted on a regular basis or visited all of your wonderful blogs and I was astonished to be hospitalized on a day I was looking forward to.

It was the first time I have invited another blogger to ask Tuesday's Question, but Sandee is a loyal friend and the first to win the Brag Tag, (seen on Sandee's post.) due to her fabulous answers for many years.  

So, I'm sure you can understand how disappointed I was to miss Sandee's post and answer her question and I would like to apologize to all of you for my absence.

So now, I will answer Tuesday's Question, which my dear friend wrote and answered, along with all of you who took the time to visit.

Here is my answer to Sandee's excellent question:-

    Sandee's Question:

    What is one of your fondest memories of your childhood. Is it food, a smell, an event, a holiday, or just snuggling with your favorite cat or dog? Was it a vacation or some other outing. I know we all have some great memories. Well I hope you do. 

I had a great early childhood. My parents owned a boarding stables for horses and taught riding lessons to teenagers who were fun to be around. 

I had the opportunity at a young age to learn how to ride and show horses and ride through fifty acres of grass passing cows, fences, and trees on my little pony on and later my horse. 

Although, my parents divorced when I was ten and my father was awarded our barn, while my mother won custody of my brothers and I. 

Then, my Dad married a lady who would not allow my brothers and I to return to the barn. This was one of the saddest times in my life and I went on to have a rough adolescence marked by a lot of acting out behavior.  

I like how Sandee asked about smells, our pets, and all the little things that helped our spirits learn about the value of life because I believe our childhoods are a wonderful training ground for life, the good and the bad. 

Plus, when I read her question it reminded me of an early memory I recently wrote about in my journal. 

It's one of my favorite memories. I think I was two or three years old and I remember being alone with my Mom one morning after my brothers went to school. 

We had a sliding glass door in our living room and it was raining. The house was quiet and I was interested in the little slivers of rain sliding down the glass. I was to young to articulate how excited I was to see rain for the first time. 

I wanted to go outside and feel the wet grass and touch the other side of the glass and I remember running into our kitchen to my mother and hugging her around the legs. 

I wanted her to come and see my discovery...but of course she couldn't understand what I wanted, all she knew is that I was excited about something; but she carried me to the window and began to sing, "Rain, rain, go away, so that Ann can go out to play," it was so sweet, although I didn't want the rain to go away. 

It's a blurry memory, but I'm sure I probably began to pout, so she opened a record player and played the story of "The Grasshopper And The Ant," which I couldn't really understand, but she sat beside me and try her best to explain the story. 

Although, I think my imagination changed the story to my liking...so I think my mother had a lot to do with stimulating my imagination and expressing her love with a tender kindness I will never forget. 

In any event, this is such an excellent question, one I could write a lot about, but I will not torture you with my life story. :)

In any event, I think Sandee is going to be a hard act to follow, and I'm not sure if bloggers still give awards, (And I have given the following award to Sandee before,) but I want to give it to her again and to all of you who answered Tuesday's Question this past Tuesday. 

It's an old award, but I think a good one. I'm not sure if the link is still good, but I'm sure you experts will figure out how to post it on your blog if you wish. 

It's The "You Cheer Me Up Award! 

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket 

Let me know if you would like to post it on your blog and have trouble with the link. 
I will be happy to help, but do not worry if you would rather not, just know you won, The I love Lucy, "You Cheer Me Up Award, " okay? 

And again, thank you for visiting "A Nice Place In The Sun.

Remember to follow your bliss... 

And in closing I would like to welcome Sandee as a co-author on A Nice Place In The Sun. Thank you for your help Sandee...   


And thanks again for visiting A Nice Place In The Sun.  


Sandee said...

You are most welcome Annie. It was an honor to author Tuesday's Question.

Also thank you for the award. I'm glad I cheer you up.

I loved your answer to the question. We all have memories of our childhood. Some are good and some are bad. I'm so sorry you and your brother were not allowed to go to the barn after the divorce. Not nice at all.

Have a fabulous day honey and I hope you're feeling better. Big healing hugs to you and tons of scritches to Simon. ♥♥♥

aniceplaceinthesun.blogspot.com said...

Oh boy, do you cheer me up! You are one of those people who remind me of the good in people.

Thank you for your comment about my answer. You asked a fabulous question. Perhaps we should trade off...

Like I said, you're a hard act to follow. Divorce is so hard on kids and in the seventies it seemed like everyone's parents were getting divorced.

I guess it's because their generation married so young. Although, it did have an affect on my relationships and my siblings. Both my brother and I have been divorced as well.

But, like you said everyone has the good and bad memories.

Thank you for the healing hugs. I think they are working already. And Simon will be happy to hear you sent him his scritches.

You have a fabulous day too, Sandee, and thank you again.

"Huge Hugs" > oxoxox

Unknown said...

good look

aniceplaceinthesun.blogspot.com said...

Thank you, Grzegorz, and thank you for visiting. :)

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Words are the core of our souls, without written, vocal or lyrical expression we lose sight of one another or worse, ourselves. Words bring forth the essence of the human spirit; so express yourself without abandon.

Ann Clemmons

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Alone in her world
of make believe
weaving her stories
of magic and light

She brings joy
to the eyes
of innocent minds
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holding the secrets
she guards so well

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belong to those
whose wisdom and truth
shine on in imagination

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Whenever you feel like criticizing any one,” he told me, “just remember that all the people in this world haven’t had the advantages that you’ve had.”'

F. Scott Fitzgerald. (Lines from The Great Gatsby)
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