Apr 16, 2014

Lost At Sea

Lost At Sea

How come we know who we are when we're children, but as we grow, we coast like ships without a compass far out to sea, losing ourselves into the society or situation in which we're born?

Sometimes, late at night I wonder if I lost my memory, how I would know who I was, and why I’m alive. I have clear memories of early childhood. In fact, there are times when I believe I knew myself well in the first decade of my life, lost myself in my twenties, and then spent my thirties searching for my authentic self- Because somehow I forgot who I was to begin with- 

Apr 15, 2014

Tuesday's Question- Do you remember your first kiss?

Hello everyone. It's time for A Nice Place In The Sun's 'Tuesday's Question.' 

Are you ready? If not, put your thinking cap on...come on, if I can remember, you can.

Here's the story of my first kiss:  

I remember mine, which is amazing, because most of the time I can't even remember where I left my reading glasses. Anyway, I was in the sixth grade, and I had a huge crush on a boy who I can actually remember, but I do not want to post his name. Our classroom had what they called a 'Reading Center,' away from our desks, somewhere in the back of the classroom. This where I spent most of my time, regardless of what else was going on in class. I haven't the slightest idea why our teacher let me get away with spending the year away from my desk, in the 'Reading Center,' but I'm glad he did.

Apr 10, 2014

I cannot believe it's already Thursday, or is it? Maybe my computer will let me know. (of course it depends on what mood HE is in.) I'm just kidding. (I do not want to offend my thousands of male readers) To be honest, I love men, although there are times when I haven't the slightest idea why. If you are a male you can turn my phrase,

or word, to female.

I''m writing a better post at the moment, so I beg for your patience, just in case anyone remembers I'm still here. :)  Thanks to all of you who do remember me, and have taken the time to comment.

Oh yeah, don't forget to let me know what song is in your head today.  Just roll down a let and you'll see the song in my head today posted. You can let me know by commenting on this post. Thank you again.

Apr 6, 2014

I'm Gonna Wash That Man Right Outa of My Hair!

I woke up this morning traumatized by my reflection in the mirror. Everything about my face is the same, but my hair is a different color. I have the beginning of old lady hair- Well actually, a few silver grays mixed with a multitude of blonde colors or dark blonde, or what some people refer to as "dirty blond,"- The latter being one of my favorite descriptions for light brown hair.-

Anyway, after I blocked my reflection out of my mind, I stepped into the shower, and started singing,
" I'm Gonna Wash That Man Right Outa Of My Hair", from the movie classic, South Pacific, thinking of an ancient relationship.

Angels On Earth

Lost inside a state of mental and physical exhaustion, I prayed to meet an angel on earth, then, I felt the pillow of a horses mouth gently sweep grass from the palm of my hand. – Ann Clemmons

The Boogeyman From Planet-Lackawanna-

You will lose yourself in the imaginative dreams of eleven year old Theodore Wilson's. Don't miss this review coming soon.

More reviews and available for purchase on Amazon .com. Just click on image of book and the link will take you there.

Thank you!

Motherhood- Courage

Motherhood is an art impossible to explain, one which requires a vast sea of love, devotion, compassion, and understanding, unmatched by any affection we will ever know again.- Ann Clemmons






Words are the core of our souls, without written, vocal or lyrical expression we lose sight of one another or worse, ourselves. Words bring forth the essence of the human spirit; so express yourself without abandon.

Ann Clemmons

Favorite Phrase

I remember I used to half believe and wholly play with fairies when I was a child. What heaven can be more real than to retain the spirit-world of childhood, tempered and balanced by knowledge and common-sense...

Beatrix Potter’s Journal, 17 November 1896, from the National Trust collection.

Jacket Flap-

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The Storyteller, by Dawn Drover

Alone in her world
of make believe
weaving her stories
of magic and light

She brings joy
to the eyes
of innocent minds
less jaded and free

For only they know
what's in her heart
holding the secrets
she guards so well

Life's hidden mysteries
belong to those
whose wisdom and truth
shine on in imagination

Written for Ann
~Dawn Drover~

Of The Horoscope Junkie

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Catch your dreams

Catch your dreams


Most of the worlds' great things were born of adversity and hardship; because these roadblocks encourage us to dream, imagine and believe.- Ann Clemmons

Favorite quotes-

In my younger and more vulnerable years my father gave me some advice that I’ve been turning over in my mind ever since.

Whenever you feel like criticizing any one,” he told me, “just remember that all the people in this world haven’t had the advantages that you’ve had.”'

F. Scott Fitzgerald. (Lines from The Great Gatsby)
"A Southerner Talks Music"

Mark Twain

"A book must be the ax for the frozen sea inside us."

Franz Kafka

An author values a compliment even when it comes from a source of doubtful competency.

- Mark Twain in Eruption

"I like a good story well told. That is the reason I am sometimes forced to tell them myself"

Mark Twain

Animal Rescue Site

The Animal Rescue Site
