Hello, and welcome to A Nice Place In The Sun.
I created the You Cheer Me Up Award in January of 2008, because I wanted to pass out an award that made people laugh, and I couldn't think of a better image than the one on the front of a I Love Lucy magnet I had on my refrigerator door. I knew the image of the scene from I love Lucy would be perfect, and I envisioned people laughing at their desks and at home at this talented comedian, who has been out of our lives for too long.
Hence, I scanned the image on the You Cheer Me Up Award off of one of my favorite treasures; a refrigerator magnet that I bought at a shop in the French Quarter a long time ago.
I laughed so hard the first time I saw the magnet in the store, that I nearly wet my pants, and from that moment on, I had to have it. My ex-husband drained his wallet, and I collected change from the bottom of my purse to purchase it, which for me, only increased its value.
And now, I'm grateful every time I see the image on my refrigerator. Hence, as a result, I smile when I get milk for my coffee in the morning, and grin again when I take out ingredients for dinner.
In addition, believe it or not, the award helped me make it through a few difficult times, by reminding me of how silly life and people can be, in addition to how much fun it is to laugh. (That is, if I happened to be in the process of raiding the refrigerator.)
Hence, I began passing out my first blogging award, and I was pleased with myself.
Although, after passing out the award, I was surprised to discover that some people didn't know anything about the I love Lucy show. Therefore, I decided to post a clip of this episode and others, each time I passed out the award, and I passed out the award for several months. I also began an awards list on a special page, and was planning on starting a You Cheer Me Up Award blogroll.
However, one unfortunate circumstance followed another, and the awards list and blogroll never happened, and this made me sad. Especially, when I saw new blogger's who deserved it, and others who would have liked the benefit of a blogroll.
Moreover, I remembered how much the award meant to others, as well as myself, therefore, now that times have changed, I've decided to bring it back to life.
For one thing, the award fits the blogosphere nicely, because like Lucy, many blogger's are in a class by themselves. There are plenty of blogger's in the blogosphere, and more starting blogs each day, who cheer their readers up with their unique voices and original writing styles that I would love to see receive this award and others.
Hence, I put the old posts in draft, and began working on the first post of the You Cheer Me Up Award for 2009, and this is it.
Watching someone funny is addictive that's why my original list in January consisted of forty six and eventually grew pass a hundred... Note:(Unfortunately since this post, the list has been discontinued, but, with your help, the award will go on...)
Plus, it's important to note, that this is the first time I've passed the award along since the original post in January, one in March, and one in April of 2008, the rest were passed out by award recipients.
Hence, I salute them for continuing to spread the cheer~ They're the coolest people in the blogosphere.
Moreover, if you're nominated again, please bear with me, it's only because you're still a great blogger, therefore you may receive plenty more. Hence, I suggest you keep a spot on your awards mantel for the You Cheer Me Up Award, that is, as long as you're going to continue sharing your charms with other bloggers, and and making the blogosphere a nicer place-
Moving on, I want to be honest about another reason I wanted to bring the award back to life. Besides the fact that I wanted to share it with a new set of bloggers, I also wanted to express how impressed I am with my blogging buddies who remained loyal readers and friends when I was ill and frequently off-line; your kindness will be remembered always.
When I think of the bloggers who made me smile, and the friends who've stayed loyal to me and my blog, I think of one of my favorite quotes by author and poet, Maya Angelou, "People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel~"
That said, I have posted a video of the scene that’s on the magnet, or I should say Award, to cheer you up in return. In addition, to remind you of how valuable you are, not just to me, but to all of the readers you cheer up everyday; readers who feel better after they'll left your blog.
Therefore, I hope the following nominees will accept the You Cheer Me Up Award as a token of gratitude, appreciation and friendship from me to you- I will never forgot how you made me feel.
Okay, that's it, you survived the introduction...now, about the nominees.
The You Cheer Me Up Award doesn't have any rules, however, please leave a link to this post so your nominees can copy and paste the code for the image, or if they wish to copy and paste the image instead, please request that they link back to A Nice Place In The Sun when nominating other blogs- Thank- you
Also, if you wish to pass this award to others, think about posting a scene from the I Love Lucy show, which you can find on You Tube, in addition to the following paragraphs about the You Cheer Me Up Award. However, if you wish to post the award in you sidebar, or do nothing with it at all, that is fine too. It's your award to do with what you wish...
Feel free to use any or all of the following paragraphs in your post if you decide to pass the award along to the bloggers of your choice.
"The blogger's nominated for the You Cheer Me Up Award are among the best in the blogosphere. Maybe, it's due to the fact that there are so many people communicating in one place, but I'm impressed by the character of so many of the people I've met since I've been blogging.
So many of you are brave enough to write with an open heart and sense of humor. I can tell by what you choose to write about, in addition to your reaction to what others are writing in the blogging community.
You Cheer Me Up Award winners are also among the things I hold in the highest esteem, such as Charlotte, from Charlotte's Web, a box of Peanut Butter Panic Ice Cream, the image above of Lucy and Ethel, and of course, children, animals, and books. (Recipients feel free to fill in this paragraph to your liking.)
I wish I was in the position to give an award to Lucy and Ethel for the whole idea of them on the job at the Candy Company - trying to eat candy as fast as the conveyor belt delivered it...but that dream is simply out of the question...
For that matter, so is the opportunity to award E.B.White, the author of Charlotte's Web, and many other writers, directors, poets, painters, and photographers, who contributed so much to my life, my character, and my choices...
However, I can pass this Award to the blogger’s who make me laugh until my face hurts, and the blogger’s whose writing voice comforts me when I'm feeling lost, teaches me about others, and inspires me to move forward... That I can do...and I can promise that the following video is so funny it will make you laugh out loud..." (You can use any example scene from the show, or take out the last line.)
And...the nominees are....
Dawn from Twisted Sister
Sandee from Comedy Plus
Grace from Hugz Before You Go
Eric from The Speedcat Hollydale Page
Sue from Sanity On Edge
Daisy, Harley, and Mom from Daisy, The Curly Cat
Maunie James from MaunieJames 2
Tina from Crazy Working Mom
Mushy from Mushy's Moochings
Jackie from The Painted Veil
Robin from Robin's Nest
Bud from WTIT Tape Radio (The Blog)
Babs from Beetle's Humour Memories 'n' Ramblings
The Retired One from The Retirement Chronicles
Connie From Connie's View
Kim from PurpleFrogcat
Margo from Life In The Short Lane
Sue from Farvel Cargo
Chilly, from On The Bricks
King from King of New York Hacks
LaShan from A Lil Enchanted
Rebecca from Freaky Frugalite
Harriet from Harriet
Wanda from A Blog With Two Sides
Jodi from Jodi's Journey
Emila from Emila's Illustrated Blog
Henson from Henson's Hell
Valerie from Thinking Out Loud Blog. com
Mimi from Mimi Writes
Ferd from The Best Parts
Mel from Attitude, The Ultimate Power at Monday Morning Power
Theresa from Sleeping Kitten- Dancing Dog
Anne from Life Just Keeps Getting Weirder
Leigh from Inside My Head
Margie and Edna's Basement
Russ, from Grampy and You
Jill from Creative Cafe'
The Muse from A Diva's Hammer... Wielded By The Muse
Kathy from The Junk Drawer
Maitri from Maitri's Notes, Quotes, and Flashing Thoughts
In closing, I'm looking forward to passing more awards out in the future... so if anyone was accidentally passed over, look-out, because Lucy and Ethel may be on your blogstep next month or the one thereafter...either by me, or one of the recipients nominated here today.
It is funny how many people have not heard of The I Love Lucy Show.
Why thank you so very very much. The quote from Maya Angelou is a keeper.
I remember that clip very well, tho to be honest I was never a big "I Love Lucy" fan. I admire Lucille Ball tho, a beautiful talented intelligent lady.
Stay well, stay happy and thank you for the way you make me feel.
Thank you so very much! I am honored!!! I LOVE LUCY was a big part of my childhood joy and laughter, too..love that show!
As you know, I don't continue awards on my blog due to the time it takes and I am always afraid I will "forget" or offend some of my bloggers who all deserve an award. So, although you won't see the award mentioned or posted on my blog, I want you to know that I am very flattered, honored and grateful to you for naming my blog as award worthy. You are wonderful for doing this for bloggers!
And now I have this song stuck in my head today.
I FINALLY win something ....
YHAAAA HOOOOOOO !!!!!!!!!!!!!
My post will be up shortly, and will also link all of "your" choices. I happen to think it is a super bunch myself :-)
As awards go, I realize that most are a linking mechanism, but this one is special to me because it is from my good friend Annie. Speedy luvs ya you know !
BIG HUGS and happy weekend to you.
My song today??
I have a good one 4 U
Love from Harriman!
I love Lucy and Ethel! I wish I could work on a line like that only it would be for cat treats instead of chocolates.
Thank you so much for thinking of me and Harley for this award. I feel proud and honored!
Grampy, I know I was really surprised too. I hope you're having a great day, and congrats~
Grace, Don't you just love that quote?
Congrats Grace, and thank you for the way you make me feel. :))
I hope you had a great day today, and you stay well and happy too. :))
Big hug, and love,
The Retired One, I'm sorry I didn't know you didn't accept awards on your blog, but that is quite alright. I just wanted you/everyone to know how I felt, and the scene from the I love Lucy show makes me laugh.
And I know exactly what you mean about forgetting someone, and the time it takes. I'm so happy that you are flattered, and of course your blog is award worthy, are you kidding?
I'm honored to be your friend and thanks for stopping by and leaving such a kind comment. In addition, to writing a fine blog for bloggers everyday.
I hope you had a fantastic day, pal,
Laughing...Grace, That's a very befitting song...Now it is going to be in my head. :))
Thank you so much Speedy, I love you a bunch too~ And that is so nice of you to link my choices. Wow!
I know what you mean about awards, and I thank you so much for believing in me. And I'm glad this award is special to you because it is special to me too.
I'm not sure why...I think it's because it represents a combination of things to me.
I guess it's mainly because it makes me feel good...which makes it synonymous with you and the rest of the bloggers out there who make me feel good. Although you are special, special, special.
Do you know that you're one of my first blogging pals? That means we've been friends for two years now...isn't it scary how fast time slips away? However, I'm happy I'm watching it slip away with friends like you~ :))
I'm glad you liked the award Speedy, and it was extremely generous of you to pass it along. You didn't have to do anything but know I nominated you.
And of course laugh, but your heart wouldn't let you, would it?
You're one of the kindest and funniest people I know, thanks again and again...
Have a great evening crazy man...
Big hugs and happy week-end back to you~ Now, I'm going to hear your song....
P.S. I hope the stars are out tonight whereever you are. :)
The stars are out tonight
Laughing...Speedy, Perfect song! Bravo!
Have a great evening again, Speedy.
((( smiling at you )))
Mushy, Congrats, and love back to you~
Eric, Thank you buddy, I'm coming to see...
Double hug~
Hey Daisy, Congrats to you and your crew. I wish you had an assembly line of cat treats too. That would be so cool...
And your welcome for thinking of you and Harley. Thank you for your spectacular blog...Ya'll work so hard to entertain us everyday. I just wanted you to know we appreciate it.
And I feel proud and honored to be you and Harley's friend, and fellow blogger.
Have a great evening...
Big big hug to you,
More than anything, I'm grateful that you are feeling well enough to blog!
Thank you so much for this great award! And I am in REALLY good company! I am humbled and honored!
But it took me a long time to read your post. I was stuck at the beginning when you said, "...bare with me." Count me in on that one! LOL
: D
Ferd, Thank you sooo much. I'm happy too, and I've missed everyone enormously. (Smile)
And you know, you are a good editor. You were right about that first paragraph in this post, so I took it out, and you wouldn't believe how hard it is to try to get me to let go of a paragraph. Even ones that aren't working sometimes.
However, you were clearly correct...Thank you so much...It was confusing.
In addition, I'm sorry you were sitting at the first paragraph in an attempt to "bare" with me for so long...(Smile :D )
I was having so much trouble with my computer last night, I was distracted, plus, I was in a rush.
The post is still too long, but at least the first paragraph is history. (Plus, now everyone will have permission to continue reading.)
Congrats on your award...you're one of the blogger's I was thanking for your loyalty and friendship.
I'm honored to be your friend.
Thanks for cheering me up~ :))
Hugs Ferd~
P.S. I hope I understood your joke correctly, otherwise it's really not going to make any sense. Oh well, I rarely do anyway.
Sorry I did not Thank You Properly for this award. I will be doing a post on the 28th with this award in it. I also am adding it to my sidebar. And I will be placing you on my entrecard and adgitize page.
Thank You for being there.
Thank you so much Annie! I love this episode of Lucy... it makes me laugh every time.
Sorry I'm late picking it up :(
I'll try and get it posted real soon... Bill is on the way and I'm battening down the hatches!
Luvs ya,
Thank you so much Annie... for this wonderful and special award. I was really surprised to see my name listed. I Love Lucy!!! No matter how many times I watch those old shows... and even though I know what's coming... they are still hilarious. And boy do they bring back some childhood memories!
Thank you again Annie :)
Oh and I love your blog! My hubby and I were planning a trip to New Orleans in October but we're going to have to postpone it until after the first of the year. My hubby loves it there... and I have never been but it's one of the places I want to go really badly. We have even discussed moving there at some time in the future... he loves it there that much.
A Lil Enchanted,
Thanks Annie, I love this award. Just back from the boat and had a great weekend. What a list of folks you have too. Excellent. I love Lucy. She was a very talented woman. I've watched the I love Lucy shows over and over.
Have a terrific day. Big hug and lotsa lovies. :)
Wow! Now you've cheered us up! Thank you so very much for this award. We love Lucy so this means a lot to us!
I am just so excited that you're back, I can't tell you!
I was NOT editing you! I don't care about grammar and spelling! I have always loved what you write and the way you write it. You are very special to all your fans, exactly the way you are!!
I just found the "bare with me" as very humorous. I was thinking, "Yes. I'll do it for Annie, if she wants me to. I'll take my clothes off!" LOL
Grampy, I think you are doing just fine. I just wanted to be sure you knew that I nominated you. I have so many bloggers listed, I thought you might not have seen your link, and I still have a feeling I've forgotten someone.
The Retired one is right...it's hard to remember everyone.
Plus, I'm thrilled that you'll be posting the award in your sidebar and including it in a post, but please don't feel obligated...I just wanted you to know that I like your blog...and that it cheers me up. However, I will still be looking forward to seeing it, and reading your post. ;D
It's funny, it's like we introduced ourselves to each other at the same time.
Anyway, it's nice to meet you, and congrats on your nomination.
Dawn, You're not late, and it comes with no strings attached, so don't worry about posting anything.
It's just a small token of appreciation, and a reminder of how much your blog cheers me up.
I'm worried about this hurricane. I need to check out the weather channel. Please, be careful. I will be checking on you as well as praying...
Luvs ya back,
LaShan, I'm glad I surprised you, but you shouldn't be surprised, I love your blog too.
And yes, Lucy sure does bring back a lot of childhood memories.
You and your husband are coming to visit at the perfect time of the year for N.O. Fall is gorgeous in New Orleans...and it's not nearly as hot.
I've noticed a lot of new residents, even Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie have a house here now. I even met him at one of his housing meetings for the 9th ward. I was a nervous, but he's a really nice guy.
Anyway, we'd love to have you visit or become a neighbor. That would be neat. You know I do not know any blogger's from my hometown, but I have met people from all over the world.
I have been contacted by people in town, about buying a children's book, but they do not read my blog, isn't that weird?
Anyway, congratulations on your well deserved nomination.
Ferd, Laughing...I knew you weren't editing me...:)) But, I'm sure glad you said something...
Although, at first, I wasn't sure if we were thinking the same thing...Because I've always been confused about the expression "bear with me"...laughing...
That is, I've always spelled it wrong. At first, I thought you meant it literally, thinking, O.K., I'll bear with her, I'll just wait here at this paragraph until she fills us in...Then, I realized what you were saying and I started cracking up...
However, I thought I would only embarrass myself more, or rather make matters worse by replying again. (Laughing)
I didn't think you were being bossy or anything though, I was GRATEFUL~ (Smile)
I'm glad to be back blogging too. And thanks for the compliments on my writing...(I think...LOL)
Also, I want to thank you because that wasn't the only problem with that paragraph, the whole thing was off...it didn't make any sense, but I have to admit, it was funny.
Congrats on your award again,
and e-Love back to you,
Sandee, You are most welcome, welcome, welcome. I know it's a large list, isn't it? I wanted to pass it along to you and my other old buddies who have been so loyal to be and this blog, plus, I wanted to introduce it to some new bloggers in the community.
I'm sure you remember it, and I thank you for being gracious enough to accept it again...as has Dawn, Speedy, Grace, etc...LOL.
It means an awful lot to me that you have...I hope you know how much I value your friendship.
I'm glad you had fun on the boat.
Big hug and lotsa lovies back to ya,
You are just so very lovely Annie! you truly are. I was reading over this post and it's wonderful.
My post is up and I have an award fr you too.
Please forgive my misspell on French. I was still half asleep when I started working on the post.
Oh dear and I am afraid I am coming down with a cold. I don;t feel well at all.
I am going to finish contacting people and simply crash in front of the tube!
Thank you for stopping by my blog to tell me about this. It must have taken you forever to complete this list. I am in good company and I appreciate it!
I watched I Love Lucy growing up. I love the re-runs even now. I can just look at that picture and laugh.
Am also glad that you are feeling better. That's the important thing.
Thank you again.
awh thanks for the mention. it's nice to know i cheer you up. it makes me feel good to make someone smile or laugh.
Oh my goodness, what a totally awesome surprise!!! I am so blessed! And I do love I Love Lucy. :D
This DID cheer me up. You doll!!!!
Hi Annie! Just want you to know your award is still passed on. I got it from Jackie and collected it on my Awards page.
Btw: Nice to meet you! Hello from Norway and Happy Weekend to you :-)
Jackie, You are the one that is lovely, and so kind. Thank you for the compliment on my post.
And Congratulations! You do cheer me up, and have since I've known you.
And you did an excellent job on your award post, plus, I didn't notice that you misspelled French.
In addition, you cheered me up again, by nominating me for the J'Adore award. Thank you. :)) I cannot wait to pass it along.
I hope you're not getting sick, and if you do that it passes quickly.
Big hug,
Mimi, You're more than welcome for coming over twice. I hope I wasn't making a pest of myself. I just wanted to make sure you knew...Because you're right, I nominated enough bloggers to fill a book.
I know what you mean about looking at Lucy too. All you have to do is see the expression on her face. She was really good.
I'm happy that you like the award. I know I don't stop by much, but I really do think you're a wonderful blogger and friendly to everyone. :))
And thanks for saying you're glad I'm feeling better, I'm glad too~
You're welcome Natural. I wanted to pass the You Cheer Me Up Award to new bloggers who do make me smile, and you do.
Thank you, and congrats~
Rebecca, I love Freaky Frugalite, and you crack me up. So, I'm thrilled that I cheered you up.
Congrats, and have a great week-end~
Renny, Thank you so much for the wonderful job you did with your award post. And I thank Jackie for her good judgment in nominating you.
Congratulations on your nomination. It's well-deserved.
I really enjoyed reading your award post, in addition to the posts about your trip. And btw, Sandee told you to quit blogging and enjoy your trip. (I know, I'm nosy, I read others comments)
Have fun, and thanks again.
You have a great week-end too~
I've always like that quote! First, apologies for getting here so late, but it's kind of typical of me :) I feel the same way about you and your blog! The nature of this award means so much to me. AND I LOVE LUCY! I've made my kids watch them for years, along with old Carol Burnett shows. They are great. I'll post soon and can't wait to add you to my awards page!(BTW - my husband knows EB White is the one person I would leave him for)
Margo, I like that quote too, and no apology necessary...
You know, when I noticed that you followed me on Facebook, (and thank you by the way) I went to your Facebook page sure that I had already followed you, but I hadn't, so I did, and I'm glad.
In any event, while I was reading your Facebook page, I wondered if I told you that you were nominated for the You Cheer Me Up Award.
So you see, I think I may be the one who owes you an apology. Because how could you be late for something you didn't even know about?
So, "First, apologies for getting here so late, but it's kind of typical of me." Too ::)) (Don't ask me why I drew two eyes.)
Alright, now that I got to the bottom of that, Congratulations on your well-deserved nomination.
I'm thrilled that you love, I Love Lucy, and thank you for mentioning what the nature of the award means to you. And what you said about me and my blog means a lot to me. :0)
(Obviously, I'm not good with the smile face type. The zero is supposed to be his nose.)
Plus, I felt better when I read that you made your kids watch the I Love Lucy Shows, and Carol Burnett. Because I did the same thing...and you know, I think it will paid off, somehow...
Laughing...and it's great that you let your feelings be known about E.B White to your husband...
That's a good idea...
I've always been crazy about that writer/man/writer...
Congrats again, Margo, and I adore your blog. You're a fabulous writer.
Thank you so much for thinking of me. I am truly honoured - and to be in such company too!
'I Love Lucy' was probably my favourite comedy programme when it was aired in the UK. I only wish we could have a re-run of the whole series. I wouldn't miss an episode!
What a neat blog you have. Dawn from Twisted Sister passed the "You Cheer Me Up" award and the award said that I should give you the credit for this fabulous award.
Finding Pam, Dawn has always had good taste. Congratulations on your well-deserved nomination.
I'm so glad she nominate you too, because she introduced me to another great blogger. I went by your blog, and I loved it.
By the way, thank you for linking to me, and I plan on doing the same. It was so sweet of you.
Cheers, and I'm thrilled to have met you~
Congratulations Babs! I cannot believe you cannot get the re-runs, although that happens periodically in the states as well.
It's all about a green back dollar. Which is a shame because she was worth her weight in gold.
Well...maybe it will return one day, probably will...until then we at least have the clips...
Cheers Babs, and thanks for making me smile.
By the way, Pam. I forgot to tell you the same thing...Thank you for making me smile today.
It was a real compliment to see that you had added my link to your page, I couldn't believe it.
So thanks again, for cheering me up!
Oh, I LOVE LUCY! What a great show. That pic could always cheer me up. What happened to good lighthearted comedy? I work from home at my own business and usually have the television on and have not been able find a tv show quite like it! :)
Thnx so much for giving out that news, I looked for it comment maigrir vite already yet could get that only here and here. Jot down more!
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