I’m having a nostalgic year. I miss the sixties, seventies, and eighties when camera phones didn't exist.
I miss riding in cars with my friends and singing the songs we loved on the car radio, instead of people listening to their own private songs through their tiny ear speakers.
Plus, we experienced our favorite artist’s music when we went to concerts instead of worrying about whether our camera phone was ready. – And most families had one phone -probably green- in their home and one television set.-
I do not like it, wherever you go, whether it’s a concert, or just walking around the streets, everyone in public, resembles a bunch of “big brothers,” from the novel 1984. I worry and hope that tourists on vacation in big cities are aware of pick- pockets while they're talking on the phone and that all of us are mindful when driving a car.
When I think of our world in the next few decades, I shiver, because I imagine drones zooming above, below and beside us on every trip we take, every call we make and every step we take. I can envision those little jets in my mind’s eye, zipping around in our atmosphere smashing into stars. I do not watch much television, but when I watch the news I wonder how long we will need Photojournalists and when I watch a live band or performers on television the camera sashays among a crowd of people with cameras over their faces. It reminds me of what people look like wearing 3D movie glasses in a theater.
Not all, but if you photograph many audiences today, they resemble a bunch of mannequins with cameras covering their face, or worse, an entire generation of the “Stepford Wife’s” offspring.