I guess it's obvious that I couldn't settle on a title for this post, but I trust that many of you get my meaning; but, I suppose I could have entitled it
Because 2014 was a crazy year for me, one of those years I do not care to repeat. I spent the year riding an emotional roller coaster, or floating about in a daydream. In any event, I haven't had enough time to dust, nail, or rearrange my cherished spot on the internet for what feels like an eternity.
I can't believe how long it's been since my last post.
I finally finished a children's manuscript, so, I've been busy researching agencies that may be interested in representing children's material.
I feel sad about the fact that my blog resembles a ghost town, especially since it used to be such a lively place to hide. I hope my old readers haven't given up on me and will return, and that new readers will discover my/
our "place in the sun."
Incidentally, I hope the construction worker to the right of this text is going be alright, because I'm do not have blog owners insurance. (Now, I understand why construction workers wear those funny looking hats.) I need a hard hat to wear while I'm cleaning my house, in addition to a pair of boots.
The title of my manuscript is
"Bizzy, The Busy Dog," and I'm working on another one entitled,
"The Hobo."
I've decided I should let my blog readers in on the titles of my offline work because
you're a spectacular bunch of people, particularly those of you who have been loyal friends since I began writing A Nice Place In The Sun. You've helped me find my voice, and supported me through many unedited silly posts, and I'm grateful for your friendship.
If this is your first visit, I welcome you and hope you will return. I posted a few links to posts on my sidebar, and I'm looking forward to posting new stories soon.
Thanks again! Have a super great day. :)
Oh, and I appreciate and respond to all comments, so if you have time, please feel free to comment, e-mail me, subscribe, or step in with a broom, mop, nails and a few construction workers. :)